Ch.6 Sage

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After we all went to the diner, Marie said that she 'had something to do' and that she'll see us later. I know that she's going to meet up with Travis, she told me earlier.

Whenever she talks about him her eyes light up. I'm so glad she has him. He's a great guy. Sage said he would take me home but I don't know if I want to go home. I haven't been there in two days. When I left for an hour that one day he was so mad. What would happen since I was gone for two days? I agree to Sage taking me home. I can't stay away for longer because then his anger will just build up more.

We get in Sage's car and Marie gets into hers. In the car we play music and sing, well more like scream, along.

When we get to the house, my heart drops and my stomach twists. His car is in the driveway, and so are his friends cars. I get out of the car even though I really don't want to.

I walk up to the door and turn around and wave at Sage. He drives away. When I walk into the house there are 3 men including my father. They are all drunk and smoking. The smell makes me nauseous.

"There she is! The little whore is back!" My father says taking steps towards me. His friends snicker and also walk towards me.

Oh no. please no.

My father reaches in his pocket for something. It's his butterfly knife.

No, no, no, no, no.

I back up as much as I can until I hit the wall.

He wouldn't actually kill me, right? Would he?

No, but I didn't know that. He's about to do much, much worse. He drags the knife along my arm. Then he digs it in. Cutting it. I scream out and he puts his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up! You deserve this!" His breath reeks of alcohol and a wave of vertigo washes over me. He then punches me right in the side of my head. Making spots dance in my eyes.

"Do whatever you want with her I'm getting more beer." He says to his friends. They're drunk and equally as insane as him.

I don't want to know what he meant by that, but sadly, I do. One of them walks over to me while the other goes into the kitchen.

I see that he has the knife in his hand. I try to make a run for it but he has longer legs. He grabs my ankle when I'm on the stairs and pulls me down. I'm now lying on my back with him kneeling over me with the knife to my throat. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

This can't be real. This isn't about to happen.

He starts to unbuckle his belt. I can't let this happen.

There's no way.

I try to hit him but he catches my hand and holds both of my arms firmly. He moves the knife to my other leg and makes a deep cut.

Why me? 

I let out a whimper. He continues to take off his belt and pants.

Quickly I lift up my knee and hit him right where it hurts. He falls over and lets go of me.

I quickly limp out of the front door and make my way down the road. I keep going as fast as I can. My cuts don't hurt right now probably due to the adrenaline.

I keep going for a while. By the time I take out my phone it's dark outside. It's 7:30. I've been limping around the streets for like 2 hours.

Where do I go? What do I do.

All of a sudden I have my phone up to my ear and I'm calling Sage. I need him. Right now I need him and Marie. He picks up almost instantly.

"Eden? Are you okay?"

"Sage?" My voice sounds raspy, "Help me."

"Wh- E, Where are you?"

"I-I don't know. I've been walking fo-for a while." I feel dizzy.

"Okay where were you when you started walking." I hear the sound of his car starting.

"My hell of a house." I say as I collapse to the ground. My phone falls out of my hand and I hear Sage screaming through the phone. Then nothing.


I think darkness has become my favorite place to be.

So calm, so quiet.


~Sage's POV~

I find her about two streets over from her house, lying on the ground. I quickly stop my car and put the hazards on.

When she called me and said 'help me' my heart shattered. I care about her so much.

I know we only just met but I can't help it. I'm falling for her and I don't know if she can catch me.

As I walk towards her I see blood. So much blood. I pick her up and put her in the backseat of my car. I get in and I start to drive.

I am going way over the speed limit but I need to help her. As I'm about to pull into the hospital I call Marie.

"Marie you need to get to the hospital, now."

"Wha-why?" She sounds flustered but I hear her keys jangling.

"It's Eden. Just get her quickly, please." I say and hang up. I get out of the car and get Eden out.

When I walk into the doors a I scream "Help, please I need some help!" Nurses turn to look at me, and when they see Eden they get a stretcher and take her from my arms.

As they go back to surgery, I assume, I hear them say "Quickly, she lost a lot of blood! I don't know if she'll make it!" At that I drop to the ground and put my face in my hands. I don't know how long I stay like that. But eventually Marie shows up.

"Hey, let's sit down and you can tell me what happened." I nod at Marie and tell her how Eden had called me and how I found her.

"I don't know what happened, but I am going to find out and I'm going to kill whoever did that to her. And that's a promise."

I just hope that I don't loose her.


This chapter was a roller coaster man.

Is Eden going to be okay?


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