Ch.44 The Plan

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A/N- I've been uploading fast so make sure you read all the chapters or you'll be very, very confused.


I have a plan.

I go towards the back of the house and I'm going to loop around. From what I saw, the men against us are facing in towards the house and we're facing the front door. If I sneak up behind them, I should be able to do some damage.

I've never killed someone before, but I have a felling I'm going to have to get used to it.

Also, did I just say the men against us? Am I really going to get involved in this? Am I really going to put not only myself but me and Sage's child at risk?

I guess so.

I hold the gun in my hand with my finger hovering by the trigger. I do have the safety off, but I have my other hand ready to switch it off.

I continue to creep towards the front of the house and the shouts and gun shots get louder.

Like I've said many times, I hate violence. But my family, my lifelines, are in trouble. I need to help. I don't know if I'll actually be able to kill someone or if I'll just get myself killed. Either way, I'll be a distraction and hopefully they'll be able to do something and not die.

My mind is racing, my heart is beating, and my hands are growing sweaty. I grip onto the cold metal and turn around the corner to the front of the house. I'm met with the sight of Sage on the ground with two men beating him up. I see Marie and Val going strong but they are both bleeding. Shawn is very pale and looks like he's going to drop. Jasper is trying to help Shawn out and there are other men and women on our side fighting and shooting.

We are outnumbered every one of ours to three of theirs. I take the safety off quickly and lay my finger over the trigger and pull. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I just hit three people. I almost start crying but I take a breath and numb myself. I turn everything off and keep going. I'm now in a dark place and I really hope that someone, anyone can get me out. I didn't kill them, but I injured them so they won't get up.

Everyone turns to look at me and Sage looks equal parts mad and shocked. I shrug and continue to fight people off. Turns out, I was a good distraction. Sage was able to get up and get the two people knocked out, or dead.

I don't actually kill anyone, I aim for shoulders and places that will incapacitate but not kill. Sage gets knocked down again and the person slams his head on the ground. His eyes roll to the back of his head and when they punch his face, blood flies and starts running down his face.

"Stop!" I scream over the gunfire. I aim my gun at the guy who's about to kill Sage, I rest my finger over the trigger and time seems to stop, do I kill him? Do I go into an even darker place than I'm in already?

I pull the trigger and he drops. I watch as his body turns limp. What if he had a family? What if he has a girlfriend who won't get to see him again? What if he has kids? What did I do?

What did I do?

All those thoughts race through my head as I drop the cold metal from my hands and rush to Sage's side. I drop to my knees, getting some nice cuts, and my fingers search for a pulse.

"Please, please." I whimper. Warm tears fall from my eyes and stream down my face. I finally find a pulse and it's steady. It's a little slow but it's there and strong. I place my hands on the side of his face and kiss his forehead. His eyes flutter open and he brings his hand to his head. His eyes widen and I thank God that he's fine.

"Eden," His voice is raspy and urgent. "Eden, move." He strains out. I furrow my brow and he nods his head behind me. "Go, move!" He says louder. I look behind me a few feet away and see a girl who can't be much older than me. She has a gun in her hand. It's pointed at me. She brings her finger down on the trigger and I don't move in time.

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