Ch.20 Carter

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~Eden's POV~

I slowly try to open my eyes. The brightness burns. I open them again, slowly. When I open them I'm staring right into Sage's very worried and tired eyes. His hair is disheveled and a mess. His face lights up.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi?" He asks. I giggle, which turns into a coughing fit. "Someone get a nurse or the doctor please." HE says. That's when I see all of my friends. Marie, Val, Shawn, and even Jasper. I smile at all of them.

"Wait how long have I been asleep?" I ask. Sage frowns as Jasper leaves to get a nurse. "Sage?" I ask.

"Just a little over three weeks." He says looking down. My mouth falls open. Now I feel it, how sore I am.

"What happened? I mean I remember but like did I really get shot?" I ask. He nods sadly, still not looking me in my eyes.

"You had a bad head injury that healed a week ago, your arm is fractured but it's also healing quickly. The worst part is that you were shot, twice. Once in the stomach and the other punctured your lung. It barely missed your heart." He says looking at the ground. I put my hand against his face and he lifts his gaze.

"Don't put all this on you Sage. It's not your fault." I say looking into his sad, glossy eyes.

"But it is." He says getting up suddenly. I flinch. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." He says as he sits back down. It's quiet for a moment. Our friends are standing awkwardly at the end of the bed.

"It's just that, if I hadn't let you leave with Carter than this wouldn't have happened. Had I been there I wouldn't have let this happen. Had I keep closer tabs on my asshole weirdo of a brother, this wouldn't have happened." He rants.

"How is this Carter's fault either?" I ask.

"Never mind. I don't need you stressing out over something so soon. Or at all." He says. I nod. "I'm just so glad you're okay. I thought I was going to lose you." He says gripping my hand again. I squeeze his hand.

"I love you." I say. He brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it.

"I love you so much more."

"Okay! That's over I need to hug my bestie!" Marie yelps as she comes over to my side. Val comes bounding over too. They both hug me gently. I don't deserve them.

"Gosh, girly, I missed you so much!" Val says.

"Me too." I say. Marie hugs me again.

"Don't ever scare me like that again! I love you too much." Marie says.

"I love you guys too." I say happily. They all walk over to the couch and sit down when a nurse and doctor come in. They check my vitals and welcome me back. They said that they almost lost me like 3 times and that they're shocked that not only am I here but I didn't loose my memories or forget how to do things like talk, move, and walk.

I'm super thankful I can still do all those things too. They say I should only be in here for a few more days considering I'm healing super well. But to be honest, I just want to go home.

"A few more days!" I say whining when they leave. Sage chuckles at me.

"Hey, look on the bright side! You'll be out in time to enjoy your birthday!" Marie says very excitedly.

"Oh no, you aren't planning anything are you?" I say bracing myself.

"Of course I am! Although it'll be a combined birthday party for you and Sage!" She says. I only smile because seeing her happy makes me happy. I forgot, me and Sage's birthdays are back to back. Our birthday's are in about a month. I'm turning 17. So close to 18, that's when I really won't have to worry about my father.

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