Sequel Info & Thank You!

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Hey! Just in case you weren't aware, the sequel is out now! It's called Finally Free and it is a continuation of Eden's drama filled life!

Make sure to follow me so you're up to date with everything that's happening!

Thank you all for the support and love that The Hidden Truth has gotten. I never expected it. I'm so very grateful for every single one of you!

Here's a sneak peak into Finally Free!

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I miss her. I miss her smell, her smile, her arms around me. I miss her hands trailing down my body when we were alone in the dark wrapped in my bed sheets. My hands gripped on her hips, my lips on her body.

I miss her so much. I need her back. I need her. Without her I feel like I'm dying. I feel like my heart has been repeatedly ripped out of my chest and ripped in half. I feel like every bone in my body has been broken and then healed only for them to get broken again.

But she's so much happier without me. When she visited me the other day, her skin was glowing, her eyes were bright, she looked fantastic. She looked like a goddess. Her skin was tanned, she wasn't ashamed of the scars on her arms, she was super confident. I'm happy for her. I'm so fucking happy for her.

But I also just want to be able to hold her in my arms again.

And I can't.

I know she's better off without me.

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Ok, thank you babes! Make sure you go check out the sequel, things are heating up fast!

xoxo- Jillian Elizabeth ❤️

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