Ch.33 Suck it up

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How does he know her?

I tense up a little beside Sage. He seems to notice because he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Um Eden this is the officer that always busted me drinking with my friends." He says slightly glaring at her.

"It's just my job." She says.

"Anyway, you need medical attention, E." Sage says. The officer gets a nurse over to us and I'm brought back into a room.

My injuries aren't horrible. I just have the one cut on my left arm, a busted lip and a swollen eye. I also have bruises all over but the doctors can't really do anything about that.

Sage holds my hand all the way to the room. He lifts me up and sits me down onto the exam table.

"You okay?" Sage asks. I nod.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. Soon a doctor walks in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Jones, how are you today?" He asks. He looks up and sees the blood seeping out from the fabric and his eyes widen. "What happened?"

"Her abusive asshole of a father cut her." Sage says angrily. The doctor comes over to me and gently takes the fabric off.

"That's not too horribly deep." He says. "Might not even need stitches." He walks over to a cabinet and grabs some things to clean and bandage the cut.

"It's going to sting." Dr. Jones says.

Sage holds my right hand as he cleans it. It stings, a lot. I wince and Sage holds onto me tighter.

Dr. Jones finishes cleaning the cut and he puts some kind of ointment on it before bandaging it.

"How does it feel?" He asks.

"It hurts." I reply bluntly.

"Does anything else hurt? I see that your lip is busted and you have a swollen eye and bruises everywhere." He says observing my injuries.

If I'm being honest, everything hurts. Physically and mentally. I just want the pain to stop, to go away.

But it won't.

"I think I'm okay." I say. Sage gives me a look that says 'we both know you're not' but I ignore it.

"Okay Ms. Holland, you are good to go! If you need anything just call or come back in." He says as he leaves.

I thank him while Sage still looks at me.

"What?" I ask him. But I already know the answer.

"You are not okay. He hurt you! I can tell you're in pain Eden." He says. He picks up my right hand and unclenches it. "Stop digging your fingernails into your palm. I know you do it when you're hurting or in pain or nervous. I know you, Eden." He says.

"I'm fine. Really. And if I need something I can call. And I have pain killers. I'll be fine." I'm not though. My ribs hurt. My whole body hurts.

Sage lifts me off of the table and sets me on the ground gently. It only hurts for a second and I manage to not squeal in pain.

Sage takes my hand and we leave the office after giving them our information so we can pay for the visit.

We start waking out to Sage's car.

"Eden, baby, I know you're not okay." He says looking at me once we're by the car.

"I'm fine. I think what hurts more is my brain and how mentally exhausted I am." I say going to open the door. He moves my hand and opens the door for me.

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