Ch.24 Training

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Today I start training. Ugh. I hope they go easy on me. I don't really work out. The most exercise I've ever gotten was when I was running away from my father. That thought makes me feel sick. Right now I'm getting ready to train. I have leggings and a tank top on. I find sneakers and put them on. I walk out of the room I'm staying in.

We're still underground because we are still at risk. Apparently the European gang is on the move. But I'm not going to lie, down here is really nice. It's a very nice and comfortable bunker thing. I make my way towards the kitchen and find Sage and Carter waiting for me.

"Here, sit down and eat and then we'll start." Carter says. The plate is full of eggs, toast, bacon, strawberries, and oranges.

"I can't eat all of this." I say.

"Try and eat most of it. We have to beef you up if you want to gain any muscle. You're just bone." Carter says.

"You couldn't have said that in a nicer way?" Sage says.

"It's just the truth." Carter answers. I start eating and they continue to argue a little. This is going to be a long day.

We head to the training room after I finish about half the plate of food. The room is big and quite a lot of equipment. There are 4 treadmills along one wall, there's 2 punching bags on the left side of the room, and a boxing ring on the right side of the room. There are weights along the wall that the door is on also.

"Impressive." I say, but honestly theirs was better. I should call them, see how they're doing. We haven't talked in a while.

"Let's warm up with a nice jog." Carter says. Sage and I follow him and we each get on a treadmill and turn it on. I love running. It gets my mind off of things and it's so mindless. We get off the treadmills after about 15 minutes. I'm not even breaking a sweat yet.

"Weights?" Sage says. So we get weights and do different exercises. While Sage has 35 pound weights and Carter has 30, I go for 20. I think Sage is surprised by what I can lift. Oh just you wait, I think to myself.

"Damn, how often are we going to do this?" I ask.

"Like every other day probably. But we'll probably run like everyday." Sage says. I nod and we go on to the next thing. Ab workouts. Fun. We do sit ups, crunches, and a ton of other stuff I don't know the names of. My non-existent abs burn.

"Now, we're going to do part of the real training." Sage says.

"What do you mean 'real training'?" I ask. I hope I get to box with someone. Just like old times.

"He means that now we are going to teach you how to box or honestly self-defense." Carter says.

A door along one of the walls opens and a girl walks out. She has short blonde hair and brown eyes. She is taller than me and she's wearing exercise clothes and sneakers. She gives me a small smile and walks into the boxing ring.

"This is Caia. She's the newest member to The Raven's. She's trained but not as much as our others, so we decided you'd be training with her." Sage says.

"Don't worry though. We are teaching you how to fight. You aren't going in blindly." Carter adds.

"Where do we start?" I ask. Sage smiles.

"I like your enthusiasm." Sage says. We get started by stretching. Then Sage brings me over to a punching bag. Punching bags are fun, but wait until they see me sparring with someone else. Carters talking with Caia. I don't know what they're talking about. It makes me a little nervous.

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