She Will Protect You.

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You froze when your eyes made contact with Allen. You completely forgot your plan on leaving your usual spot for snack and lunch due to Allen's possible bad mood. Allen stared you down with a glare.

"...hey brat." Allen spat, "...Let's talk."

"...I don't have time to talk." You mumbled. You felt his hand pull up to your hair and yank it to pull you up.

"...Excuse me? You will have time to talk, and that talk is now." Allen hissed. "What is wrong with you?"

"...Pardon?" You whimpered, "L-Let go of my hair."

"No I will not missy." He swayed your head with a pissed look on his face, "First off, you caused a lecture, then you don't make me breakfast. You know what happens if you don't make my breakfast, now do you?"

"L-Let me go damnit!" You hissed, "I have things to do!"

"Oho! You'd rather do your 'things' than to talk with your older brother?!" Allen hissed. Of course, the classroom wasn't as occupied as normal but there were people. They were just scared to interfere. They all know Allen l/n, your older brother. He isn't someone to stand up against. But whenever he leaves the room everyone tries to make you feel better, but they know they can't do much.

"Yes! Let me go I have to do something-"

"What? Go on your phone because your laptop isn't here?!" Allen smirked and yanked the phone from your hand. You gasped and pushed forward at him. No...No, he'll hear about Monika!

"What's in here that's so important, you'd rather do this than spend time with me?" Allen yanked you down at your desk and pinned you against it. You can't move. Tears started forming in your eyes, can do anything to me....Just don't hurt her!

Allen saw a notification appear on an app, and he opened it with a smirk. An eyebrow was raised when he saw a female sitting on a desk, staring at the screen with green eyes. Hey, she looked hot if you asked him personally. He licked his tongue,

"Ooh, who is this hot chick?" He asked with a whistle.

"N-No one of your concern!" You screamed, "Give me my phone-" You tried to get up but it was no use. This is it....Now that you think of it, you never told Monika your feelings for her.

"...You're not y/n ." A text appeared on the screen. The girl's smile immediately faded.

"pfff, you thought I'd be her?" Allen scoffed,

"...leave." The text got bold. The screen zoomed in a little on the girl's face. Allen raised an eyebrow, leave?

"Give y/n her phone back. Now." The text was a little bigger than the last message and the screen was zoomed in a little more. The female's eyes darkened a little, a glare put on her face.

"Pff, who do you think you are telling me what to do?" He stuck his tongue out.

"Gi VE H eR pHO NE BACK." The screen was up to her face, the text disoriented. Allen felt a little uneasy. How did this thing know that I'm not y/n ? To add on, how does this thing respond as if it's a real person?

"The hell are you to tell me what to do. I'm not giving her phone." Allen spoke a little louder hoping to feel powerful in this digital fight. The screen paused as the text had 3 dots. Allen felt a little relieved to see that nothing bad is happening at the moment. Then her eyes closed, a faint smile on her face appeared.

"...Ahaha..." The text showed as the screen zoomed back to her full figure.

"Perhaps you did not hear me well." The text appeared. Then the next scenery caused Allen to throw your phone on the floor.

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