The Fortune Teller

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"...'In this city, I received the following letter from Elizabeth...'" Monika read from the book. To your surprise she read through 5 out of 7 chapters of Volume 3 in Frankenstein, and she read it good. Unlike your own readings, she made the scenery for you as you followed along. It was as if you were with Victor Frankenstein as he told his tale. However she didn't read the whole way. Sometimes she'd ask you to read some paragraphs too, probably because she had to drink some water to help her throat from reading out loud for so long. But it can't be helped...after all...

Monika has some sort of magic when she reads, doesn't she?

"'This winter has been passed most miserably, tortured as I have been by anxious suspense; yet I hope to see your countenance, and to find that your heart is not totally devoid of comfort and tranquility.'" Monika continued. You glanced up at the screen to see Monika's eyes latched onto the book as she read along. She had a smile on her face so you could tell she was enjoying it in a way. Maybe because she was reading it to you? Maybe it's because this is the first time you've ever heard your voice. Maybe it could be both. You watched with a small smile, she looked so concentrated. Especially for you.

"...y/n ." Monika spoke softly, now off topic of the book. You saw her look at you with the same smile she had previous.

"...can you take over?"

"O-Oh, yeah, yeah totally." Why did you think she'd say something else? You looked back at the book and started where she left off.

"Uhm, 'Explanation! You may possibly say; what can Elizabeth have to explain? If you really say this, my questions are answered, and I have no more to do than to sign myself your affectionate cousin..." You picked off where she left. As you read, you could tell she wasn't looking at the book. Occasionally you would lift your eyes off the book and glance at her to see her eyes closed. Either her eyes were closed or she would be looking at you. Mostly her eyes were closed. You continued reading on until towards the end of the chapter, where Monika took off to finish it off. Once she finished it off, you looked at the screen to see her looking at you.

"...You know, y/n ." She spoke,

"Yeah?" You asked,

"....This is the first time I've ever heard your voice."

"Really? I thought you could." You recalled when you first stumbled upon Monika, she knew you were a girl by your voice.

"I could, but it was static. I was uncertain on whether or not you were a female, but the way you spoke sort of told me you were." Monika said, "However there is a major difference in voice between you and Allen. So I can tell you apart."

"That's good at least." You sighed and listened to Monika give a soft laugh.

"....You know, y/n . Your voice is so soothing..." Monika said softly, "...the way you read the relaxed me in a way. Not only that, but it showed me a world I never thought I would imagine." She continued, "...Do you ever feel like that? When someone reads you a book you enter this world, and this world holds this beautiful place for you...and you walk around it feeling happy. That's how I feel when you read to me."

"...Funny." You gave a slight chuckle, "...That's how I feel when you read to me."

"Really?" You saw Monika light up. You bit your lip to prevent a big smile.

"Yeah, I guess we both think the same way."

"...I want to talk to you forever..." Monika said all of a sudden. "...This...This is as close as we can get when it comes to making a connection." Her voice was trembling. Your heart fell, as sad as it sounds she's right. Besides talking like this, you can't reach her.

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