OVA; Valentines Day

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You have waited for this day since you met Monika in the game.

Monika wasn't familiar with this event, this is probably because she was created way before this certain month of love. Although she was aware of it due to her game being some-what romantic, she didn't really know the actual meaning of it. So when you mentioned it once to her she looked at you with a confused expression.

"Valentines Day is that love month right?" She asked,

"Yeah." You nodded

"...So why is there a specific day?" She asked,

"You know..." You paused, "...I don't know."

Your parents were rather excited for this day as well. Unfortunately, despite Allen being respectful in a way, he didn't like the idea. In fact, ever since Monika came into your world for the rest of her life, Allen has been doing things behind your back. He would trip Monika on the floor and claim it was an accident, he would drop her phone and say he didn't do it, and he would mumble words such as 'you belong in the game' or 'you don't belong here'

Yeah, Monika has tried her best to defend herself, but if she ever did Allen would put up self-defense, and you warned her his self-defense isn't pretty. You advised her to cope with it for a while to see if he will get used to her staying here but so far it has been the same. Despite you repeatedly telling him to stop he keeps doing it. You told your parents, but not even they could do anything about Allen's problem with Monika. To add on, you feared if you told your parents and they scold him, Allen will tell them yet again of Monika's origin. Despite them getting really tired and annoyed of Allen when it comes to Monika, you feared that one day they might consider listening to him, so you tried your best to avoid reaching your parents with Allen's assaults to Monika.

However, the school has been quite supportive of you and Monika. In fact, when the school found out you were in a relationship with Monika, many proposed you would make an LGBT+ club. You did, but you also made another club with Monika.

That's right, you and Monika made a literature club, and many joined.

Monika was quite surprised at how many people joined the club. This is probably because in the game it was only 5 people; Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri, MC and Monika herself. She isn't used to seeing so many people in a club but she felt extremely happy when she saw loads of people running in the classroom to register in the literature club. You had a hunch that one of the main reasons was because they liked seeing you and Monika as a couple and they wanted to see more of you and her, but you shrugged it off due to seeing Monika excited over the amounts of people.

The same was for the LGBT+ club, many joined. Although Monika was more excited about the Literature Club, she did enjoy being in the LGBT+ club as well.

When you and Monika opened up as a couple you received a lot more friends than usual. Many girls became friends with both you and Monika, and they loved you and Monika. Unfortunately, some guys didn't quite get that Monika is in a relationship with you, and they tried to take her out on a date. Monika would bluntly reject them and verify that she is in a relationship with you.

Honestly, seeing her reject all those guys was hilarious to you.

Now, Valentines Day is coming up, and the literature club, along with the LGBT+ club, has been giving you ideas on what to do for Monika. They recommended some usual adorable things;

-handing her a teddy bear with chocolate

-giving her a poster, with the teddy bear and chocolate.

-giving her a poem and a teddy bear with chocolate

Some gave you some interesting things, such as;

Just You and Monika.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin