She Wants Answers

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Throughout the night, you felt utter peace and happiness. After all, it is the first night you and Monika are sleeping in the same bed. Sure, you have cuddled before with her, but never actually slept with her. However, if one thing concerned you it was Allen. You were concerned that Allen would sneak in and hurt Monika without you watching, and that caused you to occasionally wake up from time to time and check on your older brother. There were times where you saw Allen sitting up and staring at Monika. When that happens you would pull yourself up with your elbow and stare at Allen. You could see his head move a little along with his stare, to you. You felt disturbed whenever Allen did that, it made you wonder what would have happened if you were asleep. You would end up thinking the worst when you asked yourself that question so you try to avoid thinking about the possibilities. Besides that, the night was peaceful and happy compared to the nights you would have. You felt as if something about that night made it special for you, maybe it was because Monika was right beside you? Unfortunately, the night went by fast and it wasn't long before sunrise came along. You woke up feeling devastated and you knew why.

Monika's time is running out. She has until around 9 AM. You got up, changed to your and looked at Monika. She looked so peaceful in her sleep you didn't even want to wake her up to let her know the sad news. It wasn't long before you gently shook her. She stirred, making a small noise.

"Monika wake up." You whispered, "it's almost time."

"....almost time for what?" Monika asked wearily.

"...Almost time for you to head back." You whispered. Monika frowned a little and nuzzled the pillow.

"...5 more minutes." She mumbled tiredly. You tried not to laugh and shook her again,

"Stop being adorable and get up." You whispered with laughter. Monika huffed, looked at you and reached out her arms.

"I don't wanna walk...carry me~" Monika hummed. You blinked,

"Well, first you have to change-"

"Change me then." Monika gave a sleepy smirk. You blinked,

"...I can't do that." You shook your head as your cheeks went red within seconds.

"Why're my girlfriend in all and I'm tired," Monika complained tiredly and a little loud. You glanced over at your parents and Allen in hopes they didn't hear Monika whining cutely.

"If I do that will you keep your voice down a little?" You asked and watched Monika give a tired smile.

"Mmhm!" She nodded rather excitedly.

"Haa...okay." You sighed and helped her out of bed. You took out her clothes and the Hibiscus she picked out from yesterday's hike. You then walked to the bathroom and placed the clothes on the counter and walked back to see Monika wearily rubbing her eyes. You helped her up and let her wrap her arms around your neck. By seeing how Monika wrapped her arms around your neck, you lifted her up as if she were a child and took her to the bathroom. You sat her down on the toilet seat and took a shaky breath.

Sure, you have helped change friend's little siblings, but in this case, you wanted to jump off a cliff and never return. This is the first time you have ever changed someone who was around your age. You looked up to see Monika slowly falling asleep. Even sitting down Monika can manage to fall asleep which you found cute. You took another shaky breath and started to change her.

---(yeah I'm skipping the changing scene fight me (if you want you can imagine how it went))---

After changing her you checked up on her to see her still trying her best to stay awake. Looks like someone isn't an early riser. Or maybe she slept late? Either way, you had no other choice but to carry her to the place where you first pulled her into your reality; the cave. The main reason why you did so was that you wanted her to see the beach one more time. You felt out of anything Monika enjoyed, she enjoyed the beach the most. You ended up picking her up like a child and snuck your way out of the hotel room. Your eye went to Allen more than once during this process, out of anyone you should be concerned about is him after all. You walked down to the lobby and the employee in the lobby laughed.

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