First Encounter

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"Why the hell do you want to see Monika?" MC demanded. You were in shock, the actual protagonist is standing in front of you and talking. Although he is a bit rude in your opinion.

"...Why not?" You asked.

"What- What do you mean why not?!" MC was in shock, "Are you that hard-headed?!"

"Excuse me?" You got offended, "What do you mean by that!"

"You know what I mean! You're being so hard-headed! Do you not know who you want to see?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm aware." You crossed your arms, "Do you really think I would meet someone I don't know?"

"That's the situation between you and Monika." MC rolled his eyes, "You really are a dumb lady."

"Excuse me." You perked up and glared at him, "What makes you think I'm dumb?"

"You know," MC nods his head, "You want to see a killer."

A killer?

You never saw Monika as a killer.

"...What do you mean she's a killer?!" You yelled at MC, "She didn't do anything wrong!"

"Are you telling me you already forgot?" MC growled, then scoffed, "Then Monika is hella good at covering things up."

"Wh...What are you-"

"Hello?! Sayori, Natsuki, Yuri?!" MC screamed at your face, "ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY DIDN'T EXIST TO BEGIN WITH?"

You perked up, remembered Monika deleted the 3.

"I had to see their deaths, y/n ..." MC had his fists clenched, "I had to smell their blood, see their tears, all thanks to that thing you are head over heels for!" MC continued. YOu clenched your fists, is he serious?

"...You're joking, right?" You lightly chuckled in disbelief. MC looked offended by your reaction. What did he expect? You to suddenly change sides?

"...What the fu-"

"You really think you're the only one who saw their deaths?" You had a smile filled with disbelief, "I saw them too you know."

"...But you didn't-"

"Oh, and you are going around as if you care for them? The one who caused most of their deaths?"

"Wha- Are you joking?! YOU CHOSE FOR ME!" MC screamed,

"THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU BECOME DISRESPECTFUL TO THEM!" You screamed back at him which caused his mouth to zip shut.

"Yeah, you heard correctly." You nodded your head, your hands on your hips, "You know as well as I do how you acted towards the girls, doucebag." You sneered.

"...I couldn't do any-"

"Don't pull that. In all honesty, you are just like Monika in a way." You scoffed, "If you were self-aware in the game, and they were going to take their own life, you would've broke the game to prevent it if you cared. Monika broke the game to get to me and that is dedication." You pointed your finger at the ground to keep posture and get to the point, "If there was a regular way to get to her, she wouldn't have broken the game and we wouldn't have seen their deaths. But guess what? The game didn't give her that. The game destroyed her by giving you 3 other girls besides her." You held 3 fingers, "So she was stuck in a one-way love situation. And you agree with me that you wanted to get Monika from the start. There was no way you looked at Monika and thought you wouldn't mind having lunch with her." you watched MC not say a word, his head low facing the ground. "...That's what I thought."

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