The Promise

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You held some tissues for her to have her blow her nose. Her head was rested on your shoulder, and again you and Monika were leaning against the wall.

"...I don't want you to leave me.." Monika whimpered,

"I don't either. When I get back, I will go to Lollia and figure out what to do," You spoke, "An hour is too short."

"I know." You held her hand tightly. "I..I will try my best to figure out how we can spend more time together."

"Don't use too much strength then." Monika looked at you, "be sure to get some rest in the process! C-Come in when you want to!" You can tell she wants you to be healthy, not to stress things out.

"When I feel stressed out you'll be the first person I'll talk to." You spoke and pecked Monika's cheek. She gave a small, wry smile then pushed herself off the wall,

"I have an idea on what to do now." Monika had a big smile on her face. You blinked,


"Let's play some games!" She clasped her hands together. "I have some ideas on what we should play."

"What games?"

"There is chess and pong."

"oof, Pong." You chose and got up. "I can totally beat you on that game." You smirked and cracked your knuckles. Monika giggled,

"I bet that I'll win." Monika shook her head with a closed-eye smile. Then cracked her knuckles and moved her hands, making a square-like shape in the air. Followed by this movement, a screen loaded in between you and Monika, as the game loaded. You got up and stared at the screen in shock.

"Woaahhh." You were shocked. Monika could do that?! That's amazing!

"I'll be on one side and you on the other." Monika instructed, "So then we don't bump into each other by accident!" She added,

"I feel as if we were next to each other, you bumping into me wouldn't be an accident." You chuckled nervously. Monika giggled in response,

"Yeah, I feel the same about you." She laughed, "So that's why we are on the opposite side. You can take either the left or the right."

"Wait...your left or my left?"


"..Uhm...let's do yours." Monika had a nervous closed eye smile.

"Okay, I'll be on my left." You went to your left, "So that means you're on my right, right?"

"Well, if I recall my left is your right, so yeah." Monika nodded her head.

"Hah, so we are on the left side basically.

"...Now I am confused." Monika blinked, "I am on your right."

"But your left."

"Wait, wait wait wait...." Monika's eyebrows furrowed as she thought on this. Her fingers were moving from her left to right. Soon, Monika's eyes went wide, as if she had just made the biggest discovery, "...Oh my God you're right." You laughed hard after she realized it. Wow she's so cute.

"Wow that is adorable." You laughed. Monika pouted,

"Let's just play the game already." She said with a small giggle. Then you and Monika finally started the game.


"...HOW?!" You gasped upon seeing the words MONIKA WINS at the screen for the 10th time. Monika laughed,

"Had enough?"


"You let me win~" Monika giggled.

"WHA- NOO!" You frowned, "It goes all fast within 2 seconds-" You paused and looked at her, " aren't cheating, are you?"

"Whaaattt?!" Monika was taken aback but she still laughed, "Why would I ever cheat!"

"I have the upmost feeling you are..." You crossed your arms, "...are you?"

"Oh come on, y/n. I would never do such a thing for your failure! It just goes fast after a while." Monika shrugged her arms. An eyebrow was raised, a frown formed on your face. There was something about her response that had you thinking she did in fact cheat.

"How about we play chess?" Monika changed the subject and looked at her desk. You sighed,

"Okay." You walked over to the desk as Monika closed the screen and walked over to the desk. She formed another chair for you, and sat down on her own. She then pulled up a chess table.

"What color?"

"Black." You responded,

"Okaayy" She turned the chess table around, "Let's play!" She had a wide smile on her face.


During the 3 times you played, you noticed Monika would glance up at you and stare for a while. If you looked at her she'd look straight at the board. But finally after 3 times you claimed victory. The moment your king reached the other side you jumped up and ran around the room screaming.

"I BEAT YOU!" You screamed with excitement. "I DID SOMETHING FOR ONCE!"

Monika was busy trying to figure out how you did it then she ended up laughing at her mistakes. "I should've crossed over your knight over at the left!" She laughed.

"AHA! I CLAIM VICTORY!!" You were busy cheering for yourself at your victory. Monika looked at you and giggled. It wasn't long before Monika chased you around the room.

"I am going to make you regret winning!!"

"Try me!" You laughed loudly. It was a chase worth it because in the end you stopped and let her tackle you to the ground. After series of giggles and hugs, a silence fell between you and Monika. You knew time was running out, you tracked time. You had around 10 minutes left. You and Monika had some distance, but you and Monika were looking at each other. It wasn't long before Monika leaned closer and gave you a kiss. It became just like the first time you encountered her; She would look at you, your lips, then kiss you. You had a feeling she tracked time too. She eventually got off of you, sitting in front of you. She had her head a little down, her eyes staring at the floor,

"...y/n...the time.."

"I know." You nodded. You were sure you had around 2 minutes left. She took a shaky sigh,

"...I...I told myself I wouldn't cry.."

"Hey, don't." You held her hands, "After all, I will be coming back soon, so what's the point in crying?"


"Besides, when I get back, I am going to have you into my reality." That caused Monika to look up and stare at you with wide eyes.


"And I will see if I could have you stay longer." You nodded your head, "I promise."

"...okay.." She nodded her head with tears on her eyes. It wasn't long before you began to feel light. Monika bolted forward and gave you one more tight hug. You felt it all go away once more, as you saw you were in the closet. You were going to give another shot but you heard ruffling from outside. You peeked outside to see Allen on his phone, walking to the bathroom. You closed the door shut and waited for Allen to go to the bathroom. The moment you heard the door close, you gathered the candles, the knife, the plucked hair and your phone out of the closet and quickly finished it off. You stuffed the candles in the drawer where it was previously, you put the knife away (but first cleaned it), and you plugged your phone back, even if it was at full battery.

Unfortunately, you weren't able to visit Monika once again, but you knew that much later, you will get her into your reality.

Just You and Monika.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora