How Do You Know if You're a Therian?

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Therians are born not knowing that they are therians. It happens overtime. We don't choose to be therians. We just are. We get a feeling that we're different when we're young, but when we get older the feeling grows stronger. That's a sign that something is different.

When I was in sixth grade, I had a small feeling in my gut that something was different. I wasn't quite sure what it was. At that time I would pretend a lot that I was a werewolf. I was fascinated with it that I felt as if something was off. People thought I was weird for doing so.

Then in eighth grade, the feeling became stronger until I finally realized I wasn't human. That was when I had a dream of a grey wolf coming towards me. I felt at peace and comfortable. The next day, I knew I was a therian.

Therians will have similar experiences to what I had. They'll most likely have a dream meeting their theriotype (the animal they identify as) or meet their animal through meditation. A lot of therians do that. I sometimes do it, but I usually meet Luna during my dreams.

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