Coming Out as a Therian

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Therians can have a very difficult time telling their loved ones about who they are. If it's hard to come out as apart of the LGBTQ+ community, then it can be just as hard to come out as a therian. I know I've had my experience with this.

I remember telling my parents about who I was and it was hard. But I got through it. I still struggle from time to time, but it has gotten easier over the years. Just like telling your parents that you're gay or trans, tell them that you'll still be their child.

You want to make sure that you feel comfortable. You don't have to tell them right away if you don't feel comfortable. That's why you take the time you need before telling them. But when you're ready, make sure to let them know that you love them and that you'll still be their child.

I recommend telling them about how you feel inside. Explain to them that what you feel inside isn't what you are on the outside. If they have questions, answer them so they can understand it better. Even if your parents have a hard time with it, just give them the answers that they need. They might need some time to process this, but that doesn't mean that they don't love you. It's something that's new in their lives that needs to sink in.

I wish that your experience goes better than mine. I had a hard time with telling my parents that I was a therian because they didn't know what a therian was. I told them that I didn't feel human inside. I told them that I was a wolf and tried to explain to them what was going on. But my parents didn't have the best reaction. They told me I wasn't a wolf, that I was human. That's something that bothers me, people telling me I'm human and am no way an animal.

My mom had an easier time with my animal side, but my dad? For him it took longer. For a while, I wasn't allowed to act like a wolf around him. Whenever I mental shifted, he would tell me to stop doing what I was doing because I wasn't being with the family when I was. At that time I had a hard time controlling my mental shift, so having my dad tell me to stop acting like the animal inside was not helpful.

Overtime, I expressed my feelings to him, saying how hard it was for me to be human twenty-four seven. I was upset that he wouldn't allow me to mental shift (I explained to him what that was) on full moon nights. I told my mom as well that since I can't act like a wolf everyday, allowing the mental shift to happen at night so I could at least be with my wolf would make it easier.

My parents today still have some struggles, but they've accepted who I am. They love me for who I am and they allow Luna to come out on full moon nights. I hope that your experience telling friends and family goes well for you. And even if it doesn't, know that there are therians that will be there for you in your heart.

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