Therian Gear

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A lot of therians wear gear to represent their animal. What kinds of gear do they wear? Some wear collars, some wear ears, and a lot of therians wear tails. It's a normal thing that we do. It's a way to express ourselves.

The gear that I wear are a tail and a pair of ears. I'm wanting to get a collar soon, but I'm not quite sure what to get. When I say I wear a tail, I mean that I used to. I would wear it to school, but someone stole it from me and I haven't seen it since. Yeah, it's tough sometimes.

People will think we are weird because we wear things like tails and ears. We wear these things because we can't always act like the animal inside. It can be tough being a therian due to others not understanding. We also aren't physically the animal, so wearing the gear makes us feel as if part of the animal is physical.

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