Troubles and Risks of Being a Therian

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Every therian goes through the pain of being made fun of. It's something that's normal. We all get treated unfairly at some point in our lives. I think therians have it rough because our beliefs are strange to others, uncultured, not understood.

Remember how I said my tail was stolen? That's because someone didn't understand me. I would explain it on my YouTube channel, about being a therian, and someone didn't like that, so they clipped off my tail. I haven't seen that since. People are saying that it's in the attic of either the band room or the choir room at my school. Rude!

We have a hard time being different. I think everyone does honestly. I've had people howl at me, make fun of me for being different. People have called me furry before, which is a completely different thing. And all because I've expressed who I am. I thought it was okay for us to do that! I mean, people get accepted for being gay. Why can't we also be accepted? We may be animals inside, but we're still humans on the outside. We should be treated with the same kind of respect as others. As long as we have human bodies, we have human rights.

Not Completely Human: A Therian GuideWhere stories live. Discover now