How to Contact Your Animal

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Contacting our theriotypes is something therians do. It's a way to feel at peace and feel comfortable. I will do this whenever I've had a rough day because whenever I'm more of a wolf, I feel calm and peaceful. How do we do this?

There are many ways to contact your theriotype, but one of the most popular ways is via meditation. There are many videos on YouTube that can help with that. When you meditate, find a quiet spot to do so. I recommend your bedroom or a room with a door that can lock for privacy.

Once you are in the room you feel comfortable in, sit on the floor or lie down in your bed or on a couch. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. You will need to clear your mind. Then all you need to do is focus on the animal and then you'll feel calm. This always works for me when I'm speaking to Luna because she's always there when I need her.

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