1 (Rewritten)

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Harley's POV

October 28th 7:00 am

I walked the empty, dimly-lit hallways as a sudden chill ran through my spine. My heartbeat quickened and a slight amount of perspiration began to form at my temple. Where was I? Why am I here? A small crunching noise echoed as I walked. Glancing at my shoes, I saw crumbled...popcorn?

"Is anyone here?" I loudly asked. I cringed slightly from hearing my raspy dehydrated voice. That's the line every dumb bitch says before she dies. 

I have always been a cautious person. I always wait for the light to change to cross the street and even then I wait a few seconds since I am so anxious and paranoid that a car will start speeding past me. I always bring extra money when buying something that I have bought a million times before just in case the price changes out of nowhere. I repeat my menu order over and over again in my head so that its perfectly rehearsed when I make my order. 

So being in a situation such as this one where I am by myself makes me very anxious. My breathing begins to quicken as I look around for any form of life. 

"Hello?"I whispered. 

As soon as those words escaped my lips, the lights along the endless hallway began to turn off one by one. I was standing in pure darkness. My breathing began to quicken as I started hyperventilating.

I remained motionless in fear that a random killer will show up and strangle me. My ears strained as it began to pick up a distant familiar tune. With each passing second, the song became more defined. I recognized the tune as a famous nursery rhyme from when I was younger.

How did it go again? The next line of the rhythm seemed as if it was on the tip of my tongue. As the beat slowly approached the line I felt a slight breathing against ears.

"Pop goes the weasel," it said in a deep raspy voice.


My eyes snapped open as I felt a tug at my feet. It was my dog Milo attempting to wake me up. Milo was a trained pug who was well behaved. If I woke up too late for school, Milo would attempt to wake me up by tugging at my feet. This was not always a good thing. Milo has no concept of time. He wakes me up every day at the same time, even on weekends.

I sighed loudly and got out of bed. I decided to wear a daisy patterned purple dress for my first day. I usually wear sweats, leggings or anything comfortable when going to school but since it was my first day of class I decided to dress up a bit. I usually get dressed before brushing my teeth. It was a habit that my friends always found weird since they did the opposite.

Grabbing my book bag and last night's homework, I made my way to the kitchen. My brother was up making breakfast for himself.

"Anything for me?" I playfully pushed him with my hip.

"Anything for me?" He rudely mocked. My mouth was slightly opened as I looked at him in shock. He can be such an asshole sometimes.

"I suddenly remembered that you sneaked out with Liam two nights ago. Should I tell mom?" I innocently asked. Liam was my closest friend and he always tries to get me to sneak out with him to go to parties. I always refused and now he took it upon himself to ask my 16-year-old brother instead.

He glared at me and offered me his egg sandwich which I happily took. My phone chimed as I pulled it out.

I'm outside. Hurry your ass up, we're gonna be late again ~ L

I walked outside and saw Liam. He was a tall and muscular guy with a very attractive face. His hair was short and brown which matched his caramel eyes and chiseled cheeks. Liam smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back looking away shyly. 

Okay, you caught me! I've had a crush on Liam since I was 15 and here we are the closest of friends. It so hard getting out of the friend zone but due to my anxious and timid nature, I've never tried to pursue him. He treats me like a sister and always rants about which girls are the hottest in the school. I just smile and offer advice. It hurts but I try my best not to react or else I'll feel embarrassed later on. 

Liam put his hand on my head as I rolled my eyes. I hate when he did that. I'm not the tallest person in the world but there's no need to use me as an armrest.

We walked to school and talked about our plans for our final year of high school. Being a senior is a little intimidating since I don't know which college to attend or what to even major in. I have no talent and no special skills that sets me apart from everyone else. I'm bad at math, I cant draw a circle and don't even get me started on sports.

A feeling of dread began to fill me as I felt a chill crawl up my spine  which drew me away from my inner thoughts.

"You okay Harley?" Liam asked as his eyes soften in concern.

I gave him a short nod and a forced smile. It felt as if I was being watched.

A/N: The story starts to pick up at chapter 5.

Laugh till you Cry- H.SHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin