6 (Rewritten)

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Harley's POV

You are invited to a once in a lifetime opportunity! Come see the World's Most Deadly Circus on October 31st at 12 am. The show will feature amazing acrobats, exotic animals, and a surprise visit from the one and only - Harry the Hysterical Clown. You are guaranteed to drop dead with laughter. Located at Hollow's Grove.

I flipped the flimsy paper around as if to search for more words but it was blank. That's it? Why would a circus personally invite me to their showing? And why was it at 12 midnight on Halloween? Hollow's Grove has been an empty lot for as long as I could remember. Nobody ever goes there because it is completely isolated from the rest of Hill Town.

I suppressed an eye-roll. This is a cliche horror story waiting to happen and there was no way in hell that I was attending. Maybe Liam and Grace were also invited. I plugged in my phone to charge and decided to give them both a call in the morning.

October 30th 7:30 am

I woke up with a familiar tugging at my feet from Milo. My eyes remained shut as a small pounding began to forge at my temple. Great, I have a hangover. I only had one drink last night and it wasn't even that strong.

I got out of bed to brush my teeth and made my way to the kitchen. Mom was in there preparing breakfast and talking on the phone to a random relative.

She noticed me and gave a small smile.

"Alright, Jill. Harley's awake- I'll call you right back," mom said through the other line as she slowly put her phone down.

I sat down as mom placed a plate filled with pancakes and eggs in front of me.

"So what're your plans for today?"

"Stay home and watch horror movies," I said curtly.

She gave me a sharp look and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Harley, it's a Saturday. Do something!"

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. Putting on a pair of sweats, I decided to take Milo out for a walk.

The air was not too cold but it was obvious that fall was in full effect as orange leaves were everywhere. This was my least favorite season. It showed that not only everything died but that we were in for a harsh cold winter and I hated the cold.

Before I arrived home, I grabbed a few bags of chips and a carton of ice cream from the supermarket. I couldn't help but smile. Eating junk food while watching horror movies was my ideal day.

I decided to give Grace and Liam a call. Liam did not pick up but Grace did. She apologized for leaving me at the club last night saying that she felt sick. She also mentioned not leaving with Liam since she had no idea where he went off to. I asked her if she received any invitations to "an event" lately. I didn't want to outright say that I was invited to a circus in fear that she will force me to go with her. Grace is a sucker for those sorts of things.

"An invitation? No. Why" Grace questioned through the other line.

"No reason," I quickly replied through the other line.

"Harls lets to go to a Haunted House tomorrow night," Grace demanded.

"No. I have a lot of homework!" I quickly squeaked out hoping that she would buy my lame-ass excuse.

"I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow bitch," Grace said before the line went dead. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly. There was no way around this.

11:14 pm

It was almost ten and I have watched a total of 3 and a half horror movies. My eyes felt heavy and I felt as if I might pass out any second. My eyes slowly began to shut- until I heard a familiar tune.

The tune of "Pop goes the Weasel" was blaring loudly around my house. I couldn't pinpoint where the sound was coming from. It was everywhere.

All thoughts of sleep left me as my breathing became erratic as I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise. I walked out of my room cautiously and made a beeline to Sam's room. He wasn't in his bed so I figured he was downstairs. "Sam!" I screamed from the top of my lungs in hope that he can hear me over the deafening music. I ran downstairs and saw that he was nowhere to be found.

In that exact moment, my phone began ringing as I fumbled to pull it out. Liam's caller ID appeared on the screen as I contemplated answering it. The music suddenly ceased.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Harley? I need your help!" Liam said frantically over the phone. "It's Sam, he's passed out at the circus!" He continued.

"The circus? Wait, Liam, did you get invited too?" I asked as I bit my bottom lips to suppress my frustration. Something is going on and I don't know what to do.

"Yes, Harley and I need you here now!" He said angrily obviously frustrated with my line of questioning.

Sam was in danger and he needed my help. I grabbed my keys and ran to Hollow's Grove.

October 30th, 11:50 pm

The circus was huge. Colorful lights adorned each red and white tent as I looked around for Sam and Liam.

I reached for my phone to send Liam a text until I bumped into a hard surface. Falling harshly to the ground, I looked up to see a medium-size male with blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Well hello there," the man greeted in a pronounced British accent. 

I slowly got up and let out a quick hello. I began to scan the blonde stranger. His outfit was a black short-sleeve bodysuit and he wore black tight gloves around his hand. There was no doubt that he was part of the circus.

"The show's about to start Harley. Have a seat." He ushered me to a sea of empty seats. Before I could ask him how he knew my name, he was gone.

Was I the only one at this circus? Before I knew it the lights shut off and the show began.

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