Part 11

370 11 2

October 31st, 9:07 am

The constant buzz of my phone woke me up instead of Milo. It was Grace asking about when we should go shopping for the Haunted House event tonight.

The Haunted House. I really didn't want to go because of everything that happened last night. Part of me almost believed that it was a dream but the invitation note in my room and Liam's call last night were evidence enough.

Knowing Grace, there was no other way around this. It was a Sunday night and I could argue that tomorrow was a school morning but she'd just say that we were seniors who should "live a little."

I didnt want to live a little. I just wanted to stay in my home, watch anime, and read fanfictions on said animes.

I sighed and shot Grace a text agreeing to go shopping for a costume.

October 31st, 3:57 pm

Grace and I went into a local costume shop after trying 3 shops since Grace is so picky which was surprising because she usually hates shopping.

"OMG Harley! This is so cute! You have to try this on!" Grace screeched holding up a short, white corset-like angel costume with matching wings and costume suspenders. I wasn't sure if it would fit because of my small boobs and slim figure but she pushed me into the changing room before I could protest.

The outfit actually fits well. It hugged my lithe form and made my legs look longer than they really were. When I left the changing room with my outfit intact, I found Grace talking to a beautiful, tall woman with blonde hair and blue-green eyes.

They both turned torwards me and I looked down suddenly feeling shy and intimidated by such a beautiful woman. I self-consciously wrapped my hands around myself.

"Harley, this is Gigi. She was shopping and asked if we needed help. We could use some extra help from a fashion model!" Grace emphasized the model part beaming at Gigi with admiration.

I gave a small smile at Gigi.

"Hi, Harley. It's nice to finally meet you." Gigi grinned while looking up and down my form in thought.

"Lose the stockings and wear these heels," she said handing me a set of silver strapped heels. The dress was very short and showing my legs bare made me feel anxious. Not wanting to look insecure in front of Grace and Gigi, I accepted the advice.

"Gigi's going to the Haunted House tonight with some friends," Grace said motioning to the pile of clothes Gigi had in her hands. It was a huge pile. How many friends did this girl have?

Gigi noticed my confused expression towards her pile and smiled. "This is actually for me. I love clothes. If I could buy the whole shop I would but my boyfriend usually gets mad at me when I do," she explained.

I was shocked. She was only a few years older than Grace and I but was ridiculously rich based on her comment.


A few hours later Grace and I decided on our costumes. I decided on the angel outfit while Grace chose a ragdoll outfit. She claimed that it was the easiest one to put on and we decided that I would do her makeup.

As for Gigi, she left shortly after buying her pile of outfits.

After getting ready and doing out hair and makeup, I decided to call Liam since he never replied to my earlier message.

"Hey Harles," Liam said through the other line.

"Liam! Is everything okay? You called last night sounding very scared but when I came home Sam was fine," I rushed out.

"Harley calm down! It was just a prank, relax."

"A prank?" I repeated, shocked. This did not seem like a prank especially after meeting Harry.

"Yes. Sam and I just wanted you to come to the circus but it was already closing, so we went home" Liam said.

The whole situation made no sense. When I arrived to the circus the show just started. Unless they were waiting for my arrival...

"O-Okay" I stuttered. I had no idea what was happening and no one was giving me straight answers.

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