2 (Rewritten)

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Harley POV

October 28th 2:25pm

All of my classes were done for the day as I approached Liam's Honda Accord which he bought last summer from working at his dad's auto body shop.

My friend Grace was sitting on the roof of the trunk as she smirked at me. I rolled my eyes knowing the reason why.

"Did you confess your love yet?" Grace teased. I could feel the slight burning sensation on my cheeks as a blush began to form. Grace was the only one I told about my small infatuation since she's my only friend beside Liam. Since that day she has constantly teased me when we were alone. I didn't mind since she never did it in front of Liam.

Before I could reply, I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around me and covering my eyes.

"Guess who?" A shrill girlish voice squealed. I giggled, knowing it was just Liam trying to make me believe that some random girl was covering my eyes.

"I know it's you Liam!" I laughed.

He uncovered his eyes and raised his brows in amusement. I eventually got into the car after a few minutes since I called shotgun but Grace wasn't happy with sitting in the back. Eventually, I sat in the back since Grace was taller and stronger than I was. Getting into a physical brawl with Grace was not something I wanted.

"So where to?" Grace asked as her head bopped to whatever was playing on the radio.

"I have an essay due tomorrow, so I can't hang guys" I pouted. When in reality I finished the essay last night but I wanted to cuddle up in bed and watch reruns of Friends. I always finish my homework early just in case I accidentally read the wrong due date or an emergency occurs. I always send my emails twice and make extra copies of my assignments because teachers always have a strange habit of losing my work. It's just my luck. 

The house was empty when I arrived home so I decided to take a short nap until brother came home from wherever he is at the moment.

I settled on my bed and turned on the T.V. The episode where all the characters were watching the old video of prom began to show. I hated Ross but this episode made me empathized with him slightly.

11:43 pm

My eyes jolted open when I felt a familiar tug on my leg.

"Milo stop" I whined.

The tugging became more aggressive and my shut eyes were forced open. The sleep and fatigue were slowly disappearing as my eyes adjusted to my dark bedroom. I glanced at my feet and saw nothing there.

That's strange.

 "Milo?" I called for him but heard movement. Fear began to creep into my subconscious as chills ran down my spine. I know I shouldn't be scared but lately, I've been getting the strange feeling of being watched. It doesn't help that some aggressive tugging on my leg woke me up but to make matters worse, It was 12 am. Believe me, I've watched Paranormal Activity and every single horror movie out there- shit always goes down at 12-3 am. It wasn't called the Witching Hour for anything.

I got out of bed to look for Milo. I was slightly concerned since he wasn't in his bed at the corner of my room where he usually sleeps. I walked down the dark hallway putting on every light in my path. The darkness terrified me.

Walking down the stairs, I began to hear a whimper. I walked towards the noise and saw Milo's small silhouette motionless. My dog was staring ahead into my dark kitchen. In the kitchen was the door to my backyard. What was he looking at? If there was an intruder Milo would have barked since he was usually an aggressive dog especially towards strangers. 

Moving closer to the door frame my eyes began to make out a taller, lankier silhouette a few feet away from Milo. 

The breath that I was holding in escaped my lips in a gasp.

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