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Lief's POV ......

"Hand all the test to the front and once your row is done you may all go." mr. Wallis my AP English teacher said. And of course I am in the last row so I'll be one of the last people out of here.

"Hurry up." Slade yelled from behind me. I had already handed both of our papers up to the dumb girl in front of us.

"Oops sorry." she said giggling.

As soon as our papers were in the teachers hand Slade and I raced out of the room.

"Watch it, fag boy." he yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and laughed inside my head. He is just as gay as me if not more he just doesn't know it.

I made it to my locker and found Liam waiting. He had my locker open and my stuff ready. I'm so glad because I am so tired. We got up at six and I mowed the grass, took out all the trash made breakfast and started dinner. that was before school then we came to the hell while spent out time here and now I have to work.

"Come on, off to Clover's." I said heading for the parking lot.

"Joy." he said before laughing.

Once on the road we found ourselves behind a crazy driving Clover with her wheel whipping and break stomping. This is why we drive separately.

"She's nuts." Liam said making us laugh.

"True." I said turning onto Clover's road.

"When you get off we can just crash here. Ms. Long said we could stay for the weekend. New parents are coming and they won't want us." Liam said not looking at me. I know he wanted parents. Some one to call mom or dad. That was one thing I couldn't give him. I hope who ever he married has nice parents that will let him call them that.

"Sounds good we can take our time showering and I might get to eat." I said smiling my brightest smile.

"Yeah see yeah tonight." he said.

"Tonight, love." I said as he shut the door.

"Love." he signed as he walked in front of me.

"Hey I'm glad you get to hang tonight. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." clover yelled.

"Same here, sista." I yelled before taken off.

I drove to work changed and headed in. I hate this job but it will most likely be the only one I will have for the rest of my life. If we stay here that is.

"Jones, washers. 30 loads must be done before you leave." Ms. Plea said.

I grabbed the clip board and wrote down my start numbers before I started pulling all the stopped washers out and reloading them. We have six washers and that means I have to do this five time with each washer. Easy as cake. For me anyways.

I sorted the dirty while loads of sheets, towels and pillow cases washed. We only dried towels so I had to keep and eye on the dryers as well.

At lunch I ate another turkey wrap and used the computers to balance my checking and savings. I was already done with my goal so I wasn't worried about leaving on time tonight.

"Jones, you have lost and found duty tonight. Make sure all of the stuff is logged, photographed and sent to security." Hank said once I was back in laundry.

"Yes, sir." I said. I checked my washers then headed for the office.

We had to process lost and found under a camera in the office. They treat this shit like its gold or something. But from what I figured out. A lot of the stuff that comes into list and found belongs to either visiting packs, higher up pack members or the royal family as I call them. So we take no chances.

If there is something that we might want we can add our employee number to the tag and they will allow us to have it after two months. I get a lot of Liam's clothes this way.

"Washers are stopped." hank yelled through my radio.

"Okay, sir. Just finished up security is just leaving with lost and found." I said back.

I headed back and finished washing and drying the rest of dirty we had. I ended up doing forty-five loads before it was time to go home.

I drove to Clover's and parked behind her car. Her and Liam were outside waiting for me when I got there.

"I like the no shirt look on you. It shows off your muscles." Clover said. I had managed to change out of my uniform and was now in basketball shorts no shirt and no shoes.

"Puts some clothes on your whiteness is scaring me." Liam said.

"He is kind of ghostly, isn't it." Clover said laughing.

"Screw you two, I need a shower and real food." I whined.

"Awe you poor baby, do you stink?" Clover said with a pouty face.

"Can't you smell him?" Liam asked waving a hand in front of his nose.

"Screw you both." I said heading in the house. Liam and I share their spare room. We have clothes and other things here. I felt so at home here. I grabbed clean boxers, shirts and a t-shirt before heading for the shower.

The warm water felt so good on my tired body. It relaxed me to the core. I shaved and dressed before cleaning up the bathroom. I could smell the food and my mouth watered.

"Mom made beef stew so I warmed you up a bowl." Clover said setting a bowl in front of me.

"Thanks. It smells like heaven." I said digging in to it.

It tasted like it smelled. And I wanted more. I could most likely eat the whole pot if I was greedy.

"So we picked out a move to watch. You think you can stay awake for it?" Clover asked.

"I hope so. It's been awhile since I watch a movie." I said rinsing my bowl.

"We picked Dirty Dancing." Liam said. That means Clover picked and begged or bribed Liam to agree. She loves Patrick Swayze.

"Sounds good to me." I said. I already knew I would fall asleep but I didn't want to disappoint these two.

"How busy is the Cave since KC's coming home?" Clover asked. He's her other best friend. I don't remember the ass but every time he calls and I'm here he gets shitty.

"I just cleaned the family suite for him. I guess his new house isn't finished and he will be staying at the Cave." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I'm having dinner with him there his first night home." She said sounding excited.

"He's going to be here next Saturday, right." I asked crossing my fingers. Liam and I could go do something else where.

"Yeah he's coming in in the morning spending time with Slade, Asher and Cruz. Having lunch with his parents and dinner with me. Then he is doing tours of the Cave for a week." She rattled on for another twenty minutes about it. I tuned her out and got comfy on the couch. I watched as Baby begged her dad to help Penny, that's the last thing I remembered.

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