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A/N: so I'm going to fast forward after this chapter to graduation and the Gemini Twins birthdays oh I mean the Jones twins lol. This story is moving kind of slow but that is one of the new things I wanted to try. Let me know what you think. Now with out further a do on with the show or story in this case. :0)

Kingston's POV.........

I carried a sleeping Lief to his bed and tucked him in after at least taking his jeans off. My baby is a boxer boy sexy and sweet. Cruz had to carry a half asleep Liam to bed but what surprised me was he made a bed on the couch for himself. I guess he wasn't leaving. I was half tempted to do the same on the other couch but I didn't want to press my luck. I found paper and a pen and quickly jotted down a quick note for my love..... wait oh shit. Well that's a slap in the face a good slap but a slap for sure.

"I'm heading up see you in the morning. I expect you in the office once everyone is in school." I said to Cruz once I delivered the note.

"You got it boss." he said with a yawn. I give it an hour and he'll be sleeping next to a sleeping Liam and wake up with a sore ass when that sleeping Liam throws his ass on the floor.

I pressed the elevator button before entering my code. It took seconds to get to my suite and about the same to stripe and crawl into bed. I was tired and my days seem so filled with the pack and my new family. I feel almost complete.

~~~~~~~ next day~~~~~~~

"Mr. Herrington you have a call on line three." Zara my secretary said through mind link.

"Thank you, Zara." I said back to her. "Hello this is Kingston Herrington." I said picking up the phone.

"Herrington how's that mate of yours, Chloe right?" a voice said making me laugh.

"Quinn, long time no hear from you bud. And unfortunately but fortunately Clove wasn't my mate. But enough of that what's up?" I asked.

"Well I didn't find my mate so I'm going to be starting a pack to pack search. If it's okay with you I'll be stopping by yours in about a month." He said.

"Lincoln your more then welcome here. I wish you safe travels and luck on finding your mate. Give me a call a few days before you get here." I said.

"I will and thanks. So have you found your mate?" he asked.

"I have and you'll meet my mate when you get here." I said smiling.

"Great. See you in a month." He said.

"See ya." I said before hanging up.

I looked at the clock and closed down my computer for the night. I needed to head up and get changed for the park. The kids should be about done with their homework and snack.

I changed into basketball shirts and a tank top. I grabbed my football and a frisbee before heading for Lief's suite. I knocked hearing ally running again for the door and Lief yelling at her to stop. The door opened showing a giggling ally and a flustered Lief.

"Hey princess, babe." I said kissing both their foreheads.

"King we is going to the part and Leelee is going to swing me." Ally said.

"Park, we're going to the park. Hey how was your day?" He asked leaning into me as we walked in the suite.

"Good a good friend of mine is coming for a visit next month. I finished all my paper work I've let slide and I've brought a few things we can take with us." I said showing him my football and frisbee.

"Cool and good job on work. I can't wait to meet your friend." He said yawning.

"Sleep well?" I asked making him blush.

"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry for falling asleep. Thank you for carrying me to bed and taking my jeans off." He said blushing.

"Your welcome babe." I said taking ally and setting her down. Once we were alone I kissed my mate. I love how he challenged me with every kiss. I think the Goddess did good by me.

"Can we go now?" Franky asked.

"Hey, Mr. King." fisher said.

"Just King or Kingston." I said laughing. He blushed and hide behind his twin.

"Yeah, cover your ears." Lief said and my hands flew to my ears. "Kids lets saddle up and get this pony show on the road." Lief yelled. What a goof.

"Yes." Jace said coming out with his skate boards and gear as did Liam. Ally had her dolly and stroller I got her and Franky his remote controlled car while fisher brought a book and his blanky.

"I packed a bag with a few blankets and a cooler of drinks." Lief said grabbing his own book. Fisher is a lot like Lief.

"I'll help you carry that. Where's Cruz?" I asked just noticing his absents.

"He went down to find me a wagon." Lief said.

"Oh so is he waiting down stairs then?" I asked.

"Yeah can you do that mind thing and ask him." He asked making me laugh.

"Cruz you ready with a wagon?" I asked.

"Yeah, dude your mom is already at the park with a shit ton of stuff. Lief is going to be pissed." He said back.

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't say anything to me about that. I actually forgot she might have been showing up. just keep your mouth shut." I said back to him. "Cruz is ready." I said smiling.

"Come then kids lets ride the death trap down to Cruz and head to the park." Lief said.

"Can I push the buttons?" ally asked.

"Only one. Fisher you can push the other one and on the way back the other two can." He said as ally hit both buttons. Thankfully the elevator went down first.

We made it out to the front of the hotel and loaded Ally, fisher and the stuff into the wagon. I pulled that while Lief held Franky's hand and Liam and Jace skated boarded next to a running Cruz.

I spotted my mom before she spotted us and I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide. I saw brand new bikes, wagon and baby doll stuff from a mile away. Well time for Lief to meet my crazy mom and the kids to get spoiled rotten.

"Grand babies." my mom squealed.

"Who is that crazy lady running at us?" Lief asked going on alert.

"My mom." I said hanging my head causing him to bust out laughing.

"Sasha is that you?" Lief asked laughing.

"Lief baby it's been awhile." mom said.

"You stopped coming down to laundry." Lief said hugging my mom.

"Lance made me." She said pouting.

"I bet we went through a lot of lazy people with your visits." Lief said.

"I loved playing the part of Trump. 'your fired' I loved saying that." Mom said with a sigh.

I sat back and watched two of the people I love.... there is that word again. But I watched as my mom and mate talked and interacted with the kids and their new toys. The kids loved my mom and had a blast while we were at the park. I tossed the ball with Cruz and Jace and pushed ally and fisher on the swings. Believe it or not I had a blast.

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