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Lief's POV........

I woke to shocks and shivers running all over my body. I was afraid to open my eyes because I swear I was moving.

"Where would you like me to put him?" a voice asked making my heart speed up.

"On the cot over there he's waking up and then I will take him to sign the papers or have Mr. Nelson come here so he can sign them. I think I'll make a phone call when he wakes send him into Dickerson's office." another voice said allowing me to remember everything now. I felt better knowing I hadn't been kidnapped.

"You can open your eyes I know your up." the other voice said. I didn't want to if I did he would put me down and this amazing feeling would go away. But I did it so I wouldn't seem weak.

"Sorry." I whispered to Kingston I tried to get off his lap but he held me there.

"No need, you only feel asleep." Kingston said.

"You can put me down now." I said with a blush.

"In a minute. You need to wake all the way up." he said with a sexy smirk.

"Where is liam?" I asked panicking.

"My friend Cruz has him." I told him.

"Cruz martin? Is he a person I want watching over my brother?" I questioned.

"I promise you nothing or no one will hurt Liam." he said.

"I will hurt or kill anyone if they hurt him." I said making sure my voice was strong and left no room for debate.

"I believe you little one. Are you ready to go see my dad?" he asked.

"I'm not little." I huffed as I struggled to get out of his lap and he didn't even help me he just sat there and chuckled. I think he was enjoying me wiggling around on his lap. In fact I know he was enjoying it because his lower friend told me so once I got off his lap.

"Sure thing short stuff." he said laughing. I stormed away from him and into Mr. Dickerson's office.

"Have a nice rest?" mr. Herrington asked when I stormed in to the office.

"Sorry about thy sir." I said with a sigh.

"I've dropped a lot on you. We have a little more to do before you get rid of me for a while." He said chuckling.

"I have a quick question. What about work?" I asked.

"I'm going to place you on a temporary leave. You're job will always be yours and your position will always be yours. Thing will change when it comes to you and dealing with all the bullshit. But I'm telling you that you will not have to work. Ever." He said.

"This is so messed up. It's like someone is writing a whole rags to riches story about me. I guess we can go sign these papers." I said shaking my head and sighing.

"Actually mr. Nelson will be here in a minute he is the lawyer that will be handling all of this and he will become your financial adviser once you turn 18 and the money becomes available." He said just as someone knocked on the door.

"Come in, Gerald." Mr. Herrington said.

"Al...mr. Herrington, I came as soon as you called. oh young Lief it's good to finally meet you." A really nervous and funny guy.

"Hello, sir." I said shaking his hand.

"Gerald please." he said sitting down next to me.

"Okay, Gerald I'm going to witness Lief sign these papers so you can get the ball rolling. Him and Liam will be turning 18 soon and they will both be graduating I want them to be able to take possession of what is theirs on that day." mr. Herrington said all the while Gerald nodded his head.

"Okay well I have all the papers here and I even managed to get some of the money out for the two of them." Gerald said handing me an envelope that was at least an inch thick.

"Nice, thanks." I said smiling.

"Your welcome." Gerald said smiling.

"Well that is awesome." Mr. Herrington said.

"Okay now on with the paper work. This packet is for the house. and because you have power of attorney for Liam I need you to sign his name like you have been instructed to do. I have a copy of that paper work so no need to show it to me." He said handing over some papers.

"Should I read this?" I asked kind of confused and unsure.

"I have copies for you. And if you have questions I'll leave you with my card. Basically this packet is putting the house and property into yours and Liam's name. It also reassures a contract your family has with this town and the town of Boarders. Your family kind of owns both towns but you allow the Herrington family to run this town and a mile into Boarders. The mayor of Boarders knows of this and he is also in contract with your family. This is where your money comes from. You get a percentage from each town." Gerald said as I'm signing the packet.

"Do the people of both towns know they are filling mine and Liam's bank accounts?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact they do, to a point anyways. The pay a founders tax that is included in their property tax. And believe me when I say it doesn't break they pocket book." Mr. Herrington said.

"Okay, thanks." I said handing him back the papers he handed them to Mr. Herrington.

"This one is for the money to be transferred into yours and Liam's account. Even the money in Ms. Clover's account I just left her house and she signed that over. I have also contacted the state and Liam's money will now be put into his account. Ms. Long was a little upset but she was put in her place." Gerald said handing me the next packet.

"Okay, thanks for all of this." I said signing all my papers.

"This one is making you the legal guardian of Liam, ally, Franky and Fisher. They will become yours as soon as your 18." Gerald said handing me the next and most important packet of paper work. I built my family.

"And last but not least is the paper work that will allow you five to walk out of the orphanage on your birthday, June 2nd of this year 2014." Gerald said making me smile.

"Thank you so much." I said ask mr. Herrington signed the papers.

"Your welcome, I will be in contact with you at least once a month for the next year or so. Unless you need me more often." Gerald said.

"Sounds good." I said nodding my head.

I zoned out as they talked. I couldn't believe everything I found out today. Or everything I had seen today. I couldn't wait to show Liam the picture in my back pack. I hope he's okay with all of this.

"Lief, awe so welcome back. You can go now. Liam is waiting out front with Kingston and Cruz." Mr. Herrington said.

"Sorry sir, thank you." I said shaking both of their hands before rushing out the door. As soon as Liam saw me his hands went flying a hundred miles an hour.

"Where have you been, why do I have babysitters and this one is creeping me out." he said pointing to Cruz. Cruz was watching him like a love sick puppy. Shit he better not be who and what I think he is to my brother. I'll kill him.

"I will explain everything later and I didn't assign them Mr. Herrington did. I don't know what his deal is but if he wants to keep his dick he'll back off." I signed back.

"Could you tech me that?" Cruz asked. I froze. Nobody has every asked that and I know Liam heard him.

"Why?" Liam and I asked at the same time. Both of us signing it as well.

"I'd like to learn. I think your brother is awesome and would love to talk to him in anyway I can." Cruz said looking hopeful.

"Maybe." we both said again signing it at the same time. Once we start signing it's hard to stop.

"I love the whole twin thing." Kingston said winking at me.

"That's nice. Thanks for watching out for Liam while I was gone. We have to go now." I said taking Liam's hand and I swear I heard two different growls. I didn't stick around to find out I headed for my car.

I had a lot to tell my brother and didn't want people around us.

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