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A/N: so I'm cruising on this one. It helps that I don't have much to read at this moment and that I'm on vaca from work.

I would like to dedicate this story to my kitty that passed away at the beginning of the month. Her name was Clover Bell and she had been rejected by her mom and I bottle feed her. She had a lot of Heath issues and finally lost her battle. 🍀🔔🐈🐾 I know I'm a sap but I love my animals. She was my baby. RIP Clover Bell.

Kingston's POV..........

"What is he talking about be nice to Slade and me?" Cruz asked once we was back in the elevator.

"Not you Asher. You'll have to hear it for your self. Lets just say I almost killed them both last night if Lief wouldn't have stopped me." I said hitting the first floor button.

"Sweet." he said once we stepped out.

"Hello Mr. Herrington , your party is waiting for you. Silvia will show you to your table." Henry said.

"Thank you." I said following Silvia.

"This place is to..... richy for me." Cruz said.

"Yeah well I figured I could keep my cool in here because Lief isn't here to stop me from beating both of them to a pulp." I said spotting the two dumb asses sitting in the back corner.

"This is going to be fun." he said sarcastically.

"Where is the feisty little Alpha?" Asher asked making me growl he shut up.

"I wouldn't talk about Lief if I was you." I warned.

"I like him." Asher said holding his hands up.

"Not me but I'm not the one stuck with him so what ever." Slade said.

"I'm not stuck with him. He's my mate and I like him." I snapped.

"Well Asher is my mate so deal." slate said causing Cruz to spit water all over himself, slade and Asher. Haha bitches.

"What?" Cruz choked.

"We're mates." Asher said wiping the water off his face.

"Since when?" Cruz and I both asked.

"Since I turned 18." Slade said.

"That was two months ago. Don't you think it's something you tell your brother or best friend." I snapped.

"I didn't know we had to announce it to everyone." Slade said.

"Yeah you never said you found your mate either." Asher said.

"I found mine like a week ago and I haven't seen you two since I've been home. Cruz found his too but you two were MIA." I said trying to keep from yelling.

"You found your mate man, that's awesome." Asher said.

"Who is it and I'll tell you if it's awesome." slade said.

"Liam Jones and before you say something shitty I'm going to warn you now I will kick your ass son of the Alpha or not, best friend or not. That is my mate and I am happy." Cruz said through clenched teeth. Slye stayed quiet but Asher didn't.

"Isn't he the deaf one?" Asher asked.

"He's not deaf he's just hard of hearing and nobody takes the time to make sure he understands what is being said. I could tell slade wanted to say something but to the threat seriously. Good for him cuz Cruz would have killed him.

"Now back to you two." I said.

"We didn't want to be mates." Slade said frowning.

"Why?" Cruz and I both asked.

"I'm not gay." Asher said.

"Neither am I." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I am." Cruz and Slade said at the same time.

"I'm gay for Lief." I said right before the waiter came.

We ordered and finally started to have a normal conversation. I did tell my brother I wanted him no where near my mate if he was going to have attitude. And Cruz backed me with Liam.

Once lunch was over I headed to the office to get some stuff done. Cruz went out and got some gifts for the kids and a pie from Anne's bakery. Best pie in the world.

"I hear I have grand babies. I want to meet them." my mom said coming in my office with out knocking.

"Well sort of kind of you do. Um..... well Lief is taking the kids to the park tomorrow after school, homework and maybe dinner I'll mind link you and let you know so you can stop by. They are good kids. Ally already has me wrapped around her pinky. Jace is quiet but a thinker he's smart. Fisher is more timid were Franky is out going. They are good kids." I said.

"Sounds like it." mom said looking excited.

"How did you hear about Lief and the kids?" I asked.

"Mates don't keep secrets." mom said.

"See if I tell dad anything anymore." I said jokingly.

"He only told me. I promise." she said hugging me.

"Did you know Slade found his mate?" I asked.

"What? No. Who is it?" she demanded.

"He'll have to tell you. He's down stair in the pool area." I said. She was out the door in a hot minute. I laughed pay backs a bitch.

I finished up my paper work and headed up to my suite. It was four so I had a little time. I've heard that Lief and Liam made it back and Sara has left. Now all we needed was for Cruz to make his way back.

I showered and dressed before cleaning up a little. Cruz showed up just as Lilly from laundry was leaving with our clothes. She started to talk shit about Lief and I shut her right up. This pack has a lot to learn.

"Go get showered and dressed. What the hell took so long?" I asked Cruz as he set the bags down.

"Anne made the pie fresh. She just loves the Jones brothers and wanted to make sure it was good and fresh." Cruz said beaming.

That doesn't surprise me. I bet Lief helped her with something or worked for free." I said shaking my head.

"How'd you know?" he asked.

"He's the perfect Luna." I said with a sigh.

"That's awesome." He said making me chuckle.

"Yes, it is." I said before shooing him off to get ready.

I peaked in the bags and the bone head did go with the kids toys. He's going to make a good uncle to my brats. I just wish I had one of my own and maybe one of Lief's. I'll have to look in to that like my dad said.

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