Taehyung and Tension (pt 1)

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owo hi, how are y'all


You made sure to get up especially early this morning.

Which was why you had ended in school an entire hour before class even started and had to sit in the corridor forever. A little too extreme? Perhaps. Did you regret it?

Not in the slightest.

On your walk home with Namjoon, he explained that they had each taken a day to look after you during the week, apart from Yoongi, who was.. Namjoon had cut off his sentence abruptly at that point, he didn't really need to finish it anyway. Jungkook also didn't have a day, as he was spending his time hunting down the rogue from today onward.

Namjoon's day was yesterday, and today......

Today was Taehyung's day.

The devastatingly handsome vampire honestly terrified and thrilled you at the same time. You felt funny whenever he gazed at you with his dark eyes. His dark aura screamed at you to run. As fast as physically possible.

But you couldn't. His presence was too intoxicating. It trapped you like a rabbit in headlights.

Namjoon had laughed when you admitted this to him. "Yeah, that's Tae's gift", he sighed. "He has a magnetic personality and he's very persuasive".

"L-like h-hypnotism?", you stuttered. He nodded thoughtfully. "I guess you could call it that", he mused. "Try not to look directly into his eyes, he has the most control over you then". You hadn't said much after that.

Needless to say, you were shit-scared of Taehyung now.

You stared around at the empty hallway, you had never seen it so quiet, normally it was overflowing with students gossiping. Then again, you were never here so early.


"Suzie!", your smile lit up your face. You hadn't seen her since she lent you her clothes. It was only four days, but it felt like an eternity.

"Hey", she smiled back. "I haven't seen you in ages. I need to go see a teacher, but can we catch up later this week?", she shot you a playful glare. "You have a lot to explain missy". You grinned. "I do, don't I?", you said, scratching the back of your neck. "Suzie I-".

You were interrupted by a sudden wave of students flooding into the hall. "I need to go y/n", Suzie shouted apologetically. You gave her a thumbs up to tell her it was ok, and she disappeared into the sea of teenagers.

You jumped when you felt two hands grab your hips from behind. You could sense him before you even turned around. "Taehyung", you greeted in a defeated tone.

"Hi baby", his voice was like velvet, soft and smooth. "Why were you here so early hm?".

You shrugged. "Felt like it", you replied. You tried to sound nonchalant, but your voice trembled a little, and your heart was pounding.

"Liar", he whispered, you could feel his cold breath on the back of your neck. He used his fingertips to trace lightly over your chest, right above your heart.

"I can hear you", his voice was viciously delighted. "I can hear your heartbeat so clearly, it's exhilarating, you have no idea".

"And that's the bell", you said shakily, pulling away from his grip. You turned to face him, making sure there was no direct eye contact, just like Namjoon told you. You could see him trying to catch your gaze, but you determinedly looked everywhere but his eyes.

"Why won't you look at me?", he said, you could see his eyes narrowing in your peripheral vision. You elected to not say anything. "Did Namjoon tell you about me?".

The brief expression of anxiousness that flashed across your face was the only answer he needed.

"I see", he frowned. He grabbed your jaw and forced you to look into his eyes. His usual ruby was there, but the edges of his iris were clouded with silver. You felt a wave of dizziness wash over you, and you struggled to think straight. You watched as his lips pulled up into a triumphant smirk, you could feel his fingers pressing into your jaw. His grip was gentle, but you didn't have to be a genius to know that he could easily crush your skull in two seconds flat. He pulled you closer to stare deeper, it felt like his eyes were piercing your soul. You tried to fight against his presence that seemed to flood through your brain, trying to take control.

Stop trying to resist, his voice echoed through your head. You're just making it harder for yourself.

You tried to tear your eyes away from his, but you were frozen on the spot. Your resolve was buckling under his immense power.

"That's it", he whispered soothingly, never breaking his gaze. "Just relax, I'd never hurt you baby". He took your hand and pulled you into an empty classroom a few meters down the hall. You could hear the lock click behind him. He approached you with a predatory look. You took a step back, you had managed to regain some sense when he had turned away.

"Don't go", he whispered seductively, staring at you with half-lidded eyes. He seemed to disappear, and you heard a breath of wind.

You were suddenly pushed against the wall by Taehyung, who had appeared out of nowhere. He was breathing harshly, his lips were parted in longing, his fully extended fangs gleaming. His red eyes were almost glittering with blood lust.

He had never looked so dangerous.

Or beautiful.

"You smell so good", his deep voice was raspy, it sent thrills down your spine. "It's been driving me crazy just thinking about it and now", he leaned down to your neck. "I can finally...", he trailed off, grazing his fangs against your skin as he pulled your collar away from your neck.

"Just relax, it won't hurt I promise", he purred. You were frozen with fear as he slowly inhaled....

and sank his fangs into your neck.


ayyyyyyyyyy wassup y'all

me updating two days in a row, that's rare wow

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peace out uwu

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