Seokjin and Spooning (pt 2)

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Good day my beautiful readers :)

How is everyone?


@ATEEZED thank you so so much for this actual masterpiece :)))))

(I'll tell you when to put on song)


"You ok y/n?".

Jin's voice was slightly muffled as he was on the other side of your bathroom door, but it was clear that his tone was mildly concerned. "You've been in there for ages".

You gave your hair one last despairing glance, deciding that it couldn't be saved, before opening the door. 

You stumbled back because Jin was standing far closer than you anticipated, but gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine".

He looked you up and down and gave you an approving nod. "That's much better", he smiled happily. "Once Taehyung dresses you up, you'll look even better".

You had to admit it, Taehyung did dress rather well, they all did. He always managed to look effortless and classy, but still cool.

"Shall we my lady?", he said softly with a grin, offering you his arm. You linked arms with him, unable to stop the stupid grin spreading over your face. There was something so fundamentally sweet about Jin, it allowed you to push the shop lady's tales to the back of your mind.

You had never thought it was possible to feel so instantly relaxed or comfortable around someone before you met Jin. You had to physically restrain yourself from leaning into him and inhaling his sweet scent.

(play Winter Bear now :)

You walked out of your apartment together, pausing briefly to lock your door. You kept a smile on your face the whole time. 

You had walked two streets when the heavens suddenly opened, instantly drenching the both of you. 

You spluttered in surprise for a second before glancing at Jin.

His blonde hair was flattened against his head, and the pout he was making made him look like a drowned puppy. You had to press your lips together together to stop yourself from giggling.

You stared at each other for a few seconds before you both burst into laughter, not thinking to move and find shelter.

Despite the miserable conditions, you felt light and happy. You took a step closer to Jin, who took both of your hands in his and swung them from side to side, still laughing, his eyes wide with delight, his lips stretched in a huge smile.

Without thinking about it, you leaned into him, until your head was buried in the crook of his neck. He chuckled quietly as he slid one arm around your waist and pulled you back slightly to kiss you softly.

It was as if the rain ceased to exist.

All you focus on was his lips moving gently against yours, his protective embrace and the feeling of being safe.

Jin made you feel safe and protected and you didn't want to let go.

So you wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back. 

You didn't know long you stood in the downpour, never separating from each other, only you pulling back occasionally to take little breaths before kissing Jin again. 

After what felt like years and simultaneously seconds, Jin grabbed your hips gently and pushed away.

"We need to get to our house, you'll get sick", he smiled at you, pecking your forehead quickly before turning around, gesturing for you to climb on his back. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as his wrapped around your thighs to lift you up. 

As he prepared to run at his freakish vampire speed, you leaned froward slightly towards his ear before he took off to whisper

"Thank you".


Goddammit I love Jin so much.

I'm so sorry it's short and this took so long, but I was dealing with some mental stuff and I apologise for that.

I need to talk about something.

Earlier this week, I overheard my friends discussing my fanfic, and one of them said "it would make me uncomfortable, reading and writing about bts sucking blood out of my neck, I think it's weird".

I felt quite down about that, it made me feel insecure about my writing, but then I thought.

Why should I feel the same? Writing my story and seeing your reactions makes me so happy.

If they don't like then they don't have to read it, so I'm gonna tell y'all something important.

If you want to write a fanfic, write a fanfic! If you wanna make poetry, then make poetry! If you wanna start singing, do! You wanna try out for a sports team? Absolutely go for it!

What I'm trying to say is, you need to do something if you want to do it. You can do whatever you want, unless it's against the law maybe.

And if your friends judge you for it, then they're not being great friends. If they make negative comments about it, they're not giving you the support friends should give.

Don't hold yourself back because of insecurities caused by others and yourself.

I know first hand that this is far easier said than done, but I want you to have faith in yourselves. 

I think Jimin said once, "Go on your path, even if you live for a day". Go on your path, follow your dreams, don't lean heavily on the opinions of others. 

You are able to do anything, I want you to know that. Do it if it makes you happy.

Stay safe, my beautiful readers.

Peace out uwu.

Thirsty (Vampire BTS x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now