Awakening and Apologies (pt 2)

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Anyone else cry reading fanfic? Because I just finished one, and legitimately burst into tears.


Hoseok and Jungkook sat up when they heard the front door open. After squeezing your hands, they quickly left to go downstairs.

You could hear light whispers and several muffled gasps, before the sound of a pair of footsteps filled your eardrums. You weren't sure who it was, and your heart started to thrum lightly from nerves.

You were very surprised to see Yoongi slip through the door.

Like Hoseok, he looked tired. He silently took a seat beside your bed. You watched him warily.

He sat there for a few minutes, before clearing his throat awkwardly.

"We knew Eunha though family connections", he said quietly, without any sort of preemptive. "She was always around in a sense, but it wasn't until we were older, and had officially stopped ageing, that we began to get truly close.

I had always been with the other six, I had watched them grow up, we had only ever needed each other. So it was a surprise when she suddenly entered our lives, when we had only ever known her from being at awkward gatherings.

"She was so beautiful", his voice cracked slightly. "Not just in appearance, but she was so feisty, and joyful, and alive. We were all under her spell, we loved her, and she loved us. She never said it out loud, but I think Tae and I were her favourites, perhaps because we're the most powerful".

That intrigued you. You had no idea what Yoongi could do.

"It was good, we shared, we all loved each other. We inherited the castle, and of course we took her with us, there was no doubt we were going to stay with each other forever. 

"Of course, in the backs of our minds, we knew she wasn't like us, she was human, albeit a powerful one, bearing in mind her blood but still, she wasn't going to live forever.

"We pushed the thought away, saying we'd cross that bridge when we came to it. But she wouldn't. She constantly pushed us to turn her, but none of us were willing at the time. There's so much that can go wrong, and we were still young, and relatively inexperienced", he glanced at you. "They've never talked to you about turning have they?".

You shook your head, and he hummed to himself.

"It's a story for another time, but let's just say it's not very desirable", he shrugged and continued. "Anyway, she wouldn't let the subject go. We were starting to tire of it slightly, but we could understand. If she died, we'd still have each other, whereas from her point of view, she would lose all of us". He shivered, and his eyes clouded.

"She started to accuse us of no longer loving her, that we were planning to throw her away. It broke our hearts, but still none of us dared to go through with the turning, we were too afraid of losing her in the process.

"She became convinced that we were cheating on her. It started with Jungkook helping a housemaid who dropped a glass, he picked up the pieces for her, and licked her hand to heal the cuts from the shards. When Eunha heard, she was furious. The housemaid left a week later". He looked at you sadly. "Her descendant works in that shop you work in".

The old lady? Who warned you.

"Jungkook always buys banana milk from that shop and tips her so she has money", he remarked. "She doesn't know it's him, she distrusts us, but he feels so guilty of putting her family member out of a job, that he does it in disguise. She calls him the strange boy in the bucket hat".

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