Bonus Chapter 1: Fangs and Fashion

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Hi all!

This scene was actually intended to be included somewhere in the original story line, but it didn't work quite right anywhere, and I was disappointed as heck, so I'm writing it now as the first bonus, I hope you enjoy :)


"Wake up".

You groaned at Taehyung's amused whisper in your ear, and decided to ignore it, choosing to snuggle closer to Hoseok who had his arms wrapped around you loosely. You heard hum happily in his sleep as he gripped you a little tighter.

"Wake up", he sang softly once again, and you sighed in defeat as you felt your mind cloud over.

"Fuck you", you grumbled, as your body wriggled out of Hobi's grasp, making him whine, and sat up of it's own accord, well, of Taehyung's accord.

"Wasn't so hard was it?", he grinned, squishing your cheeks with one hand to pucker your lips and give you a soft, chaste kiss. "Get dressed, we're going shopping".

You gave him a flat look.

"You woke me up so you can go shopping?".

"Well, yes", he grinned. "I need you there, how else will I know what looks good on you".

Your eyes widened. 

"Oh", you coughed awkwardly. "You're very kind, but no thank you".

He leaned in close to your face, you thought he was going to kiss you again but he stopped just short of your face, his breath stealing over your lips.

"You're so cute". His mischievous tone was making you nervous. "But that wasn't a request, that was an order. Hurry, Jin said he'd drive if we didn't take too long".

You were never quite sure why they were all so obsessed with using cars, when they could run about ten times as fast, but you had decided not to question it too much. You just assumed it was their vanity, because the majority of their vehicles screamed spoiled rich boy.

You didn't ponder on it too much, as Taehyung was shoving you towards the bathroom, shoving clothes into your hands. Hoseok had woken up by now, and was reaching towards you with a pout.

"Come back to bed", he pleaded cutely. "You're so warm".

You wanted to go back to bed too, but as you were mouthing help to him, Taehyung promptly shut the bathroom door on you, threatening that he would dress you himself if you didn't hurry up.

You noticed that the shirt he handed you wasn't yours, but you put it on anyway.

Upon opening the door, you barely had time to blink before you were grabbed by Jimin, who had appeared out of nowhere , and dragged outside to Jin's car. You were relieved that it was the (only) normal-looking car they owned.

"Finally", Taehyung glared at you over a pair of designer sunglasses from the passenger seat as you climbed in. However, it quickly softened into a look of excitement.

"He's been looking forward to this for weeks", Jimin whispered to you, the former nodding in agreement.

"Good luck y/n", Jin snorted.


Taehyung had dragged you into the closest shop first, which of course just had to be Gucci.

Another one of his obsessions.

The staff even knew him, for god's sake.

"The new men's line is just in Mr Kim", the assistant greeted him warmly. "Would you like to view it?".

He shook his head with an amused smile.

"Not today", he laughed. "I'm here to dress my girlfriend".

He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you gently to his side. You tried very hard to act as if you were completely comfortable, but you were almost definite it wasn't working.

"Of course", she nodded, her white, trained smile never once slipping. "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call".

"I shall", he replied happily, before guiding you towards the closest racks, never letting go of you, which you were grateful for.

"You're shaking like a cute little leaf babygirl", he whispered once you were both out of earshot, fingers massaging into your waist. "Don't be nervous, I got you".

He let go, and proceeded to drag you throughout the entire store, piling clothes upon clothes into your arms, until you practically couldn't see over the top.

"Taehyung, don't you have enough", you whispered in a mortified manner.

He turned to look at you, and his eyes widened.

"Enough?", he asked blankly. "We've barely begun".

He walked over towards you, pressing the pile of clothes down to see your face properly.

"Actually", he admitted. "You might be right...".

You sighed in relief.

"...because this is only the first stop".


"The.....w-what?", you stuttered in horror.


Several hours, and shops later, you were ready to die.

"Hmm", Taehyung scanned you critically. "No".

"No?", you sighed weakly.

He made you try every single thing on that he picked, and you began to realize why he pulled so many clothes.

Because he would turn down about 80% of them.

He had disappeared to find more items when you heard a familiar voice sing out behind you.

"Never fear, Jiminie's here".

You wanted to cry with relief as Jimin waltzed over to you through the racks of clothes, ignoring the admiring glances from all of the female customers, holding a large cup of coffee which he promptly handed to you with a sympathetic look.

"I'm here to rescue you darling, don't worry", he winked at you with a whisper. "Let's go, before Tae sees us".

He pulled you gently out of the store and towards the car park. You sighed when you saw he had his Ferrari, but decided that it was worth escaping the fashion demon that was Taehyung.

You slumped down in the passenger seat, completely exhausted.  Jimin slid into the drivers seat beside you, and patted your shoulder.

"We get it don't worry", he comforted you. "Taehyung has been doing this for several hundred years".

You snorted, not surprised in the slightest.

"There you go, happiness is always key", he smiled at you briefly as he pulled his car out of the space.

How naughty babygirl, leaving like that.

You choked on your coffee as Taehyung's bemused voice echoed through your head.

Don't think I'm done with you yet, we'll just have to finish another day.

You sighed, you'll face that horror later.


I kinda want a fandom name for y'all, is that being pretentious?

also, as of when I'm publishing, this book is no. 2 in btssuga, thank you so much it's one holy heck of an honour 0-0, there's a lot of books that deserve it more than this one.

also daechwita gives me orgasms

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