Hatred and History (pt 1)

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xdhsicbdehcwku i don't want to end this book now because I've thought of something else


Standing at the gates of the old castle, you could see exactly why everyone stayed away.

The vibe it gave off was extremely unnerving, it felt wrong

Nevertheless, you shook yourself off and stepped past the ivy-covered ironwork.

You weren't sure what you were going to do, you had no plan, which looking back, was rather stupid. The book had held nothing else useful, so you had returned it on your way here. You kept the letter and the photograph though, tucked inside your coat pocket.

It was rather strange, the librarian had looked extremely confused when you handed her the book, and she informed that they had no record of such a book being stored in the archives, but they would gladly take it. You told her about the woman too, but she pointed out the only elderly lady who was employed there, and she looked nothing like her.

"Perhaps, you are confusing this place with another", she told you kindly. "But thank you very much for handing this in".

Although odd, it was really the least of your worries right now.

You could make out what must have been the main road to the castle, it was completely overgrown with weeds, dandelions were sprouting through the cracks, their fluff blowing up into the air around you. If it wasn't for what was ahead, you might have enjoyed the idyllic picture.

You were terrified, yes, but also filled with a sense of purpose. You would stop Eunha. You didn't know how, but you would. Even delaying her in whatever evil plan she had would possibly be enough.

The skies seemed to darken as the hulking shell of the building came into sight. You felt a chill run down your spine. The clouds were black, and you could hear a distant boom of thunder.

Did she have to be so dramatic? It was only three o'clock in the fucking afternoon.

The air was stale, and filled with electricity, the way it felt when there was a big storm coming. It was so silent, no birds, not even a single leaf whispering from the woods that stretched for miles out around you.

You reached the gigantic, wooden door, the surface was worn away by rot. You paused and reached into your pocket for your phone.

"Hey mom", you whispered as soon as your landline went to voicemail. "You never check these, so if you're listening, it means I haven't come home for a while, and probably never will". You took a slow, shuddering breath.

"There is so much I want to say", you half laughed. "But there isn't enough time. I just want to you know that I love you, so much", your voice broke, tears were threatening to spill over your eyes. "And I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry". You quickly hung up before you could start crying properly. You rubbed your eyes aggressively, leaving them feeling raw and itchy. You quickly pressed a few more buttons, and silenced your phone, before once again looking at the entryway to the castle.

You wanted to recoil away from the ancient wood as you reached out to push against it, but kept going, there was no turning back now.

It gave way much easier than you expected.

It creaked and groaned deafeningly loudly, but it took almost no effort to open the huge door. A cold draught washed over you as it gaped open. You couldn't see far inside, it was too dark.

You clenched your jaw and your fists simultaneously as you warily stepped over the threshold.

As soon as you were clear of the entrance, the door slammed shut behind you, the huge bang echoed across the room, indicating it was very large.

"There you are".

You felt sick at the sound of the voice that had lingered inside your head, once again being heard in person, calling to you out of the pitch black.

"I don't appreciate tardiness my dear", she said mockingly. "I expect members of my family to represent our name properly".


"Oh don't look so confused y/n", she huffed impatiently. "Surely you've figured it out".

"What the fuck are you on about", you said fearfully. She tutted slowly.

"No profanity in my house please", she scolded lightly. You could hear her light footsteps, the clack of her heels circled around you, but you couldn't see her, you couldn't see anything.

"You can't be that stupid", she said in mild disbelief. "You read the book".

The place suddenly lit up with an eerie green light, flaring from old-fashioned lamps protruding from the walls. You could now see you were in a huge hall. Marble pillars lined the long cavern.

I've been here before.

This was the hallway from your dream. At the end, there was the door that lead to the ballroom. 

And there was Eunha, no longer in modern clothes, but a long flowing black gown. It gathered in at her waist, and flowed out all around her in layers and layers of ebony silk. Blood red roses, blackened at the edges, encrusted her neckline, and a few were placed in her hair. Her face was pale, her eyes ringed by smoky eye-shadow.

She looked terrifying, yet so so beautiful.

How could I ever compare to her a voice of doubt flashed through your mind for a split second.

"Think about it y/n", she said softly, a smirk adorned her face. "My sister ran off with some useless nobody, and had a child, all those years ago". She brushed an imaginary speck of dust off her dress. "And we're so similar, same blood, same appeal". 


"Don't you see", she pressed. "You are her descendant. You have our blood running through your veins".

You took a step back in shock. That meant...

"We're related", you said numbly.

"Yes", she smiled menacingly. "Which makes you the perfect victim to aid my resurrection. Your soul is compatible". She took a few steps closer to you, and grabbed your chin. Her fingers were cold and bony. 

"I'm going to steal your life essence y/n", she purred. "And I will return to my boys, fully alive once more. Rest assured, they will have forgotten that you ever existed. Everyone will. Nobody will come looking for you, nobody will ever see your lifeless body, long gone cold, I'll make sure of that". 

You wanted to cry. You were so scared, so scared. You never wanted this. Sure, your life before wasn't easy, but it was good. You had everything you ever needed, aka your mom. 

And now you might never see her again.

She clicked her fingers, and you felt your arms being grasped by cold metal hands. You looked back to see two guards, appearance hidden by iron armour, gripping your biceps roughly.

"Prepare her for the ceremony", she said carelessly. "I will finish preparations up here".

You were dragged backwards down the hallway none too gently by the two men, at least you assumed they were male. You noticed that you were passing an open window, you glanced sideways, the guards were occupied, looking straight ahead.

You deftly reached into your pocket, and pulled out your phone once more. You hung up the call, and threw it out the window before they saw.

All you could do now was pray.


My year is putting on a musical, and my dumb ass volunteered to help with choreography and teaching it,,,,

Heads up, I didn't magically turn into j-hope overnight like I expected 😅

It's so stressful please help 😂

Vote and Comment if you feel like it (/^ - ^)/

peace out uwuwuuwuwuwuwu

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