Hatred and History (pt 4)

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To a normal passerby, Eunha couldn't have looked more delighted when she opened the door.

But Yoongi could see the hint of nervousness that briefly flickered through her pupils when she saw them.

She clearly hadn't been expecting them, not so soon anyway.

"My boys", she smiled in ecstasy, her eyes appearing to fill with joy. She peered around them. "But not all of you. Where's Jimin and Jungkook? And of course my Taetae".

Hoseok wanted to throw up.

"They're not with us", Namjoon said sharply, coldly. "Would you care to let us in to our house, if you please".

"No need to be so rude Namjoon", she pouted. "I know it's been a while, but still".

He didn't relent his steely gaze, and she shrugged and stepped back, allowing them through the door.

"Hi baby", she breathed as Yoongi walked past her, running her fingers up his forearm. He shuddered and pulled away from her. 

He didn't miss the fleeting glimpse of anger in her delicate features as he did so.

"What have you done to y/n", Jin demanded angrily as soon as the door closed behind them. "Where is she?". 

Eunha just smiled.

"Why would you care Jinnie", she purred, walking closer to him. "You have me now".

She put her hands on his cheeks, and leaned in closer to him.

"Do you not miss me", her voice was wheedling, with a hint of desperation. "Do you not miss us?".

"Not particularly", he looked down at her, with nothing but anger and bitterness. She hesitated and stepped back a little. Jin was usually the softest one, the one who would forgive first, and be willing to forget. 

"How the fuck are you alive anyway? You should be dead".

She turned slowly.

"Hobi", she scanned him slowly. He gulped, but tried to hide it. 

"My sunshine", she frowned. "Why do you hate me so much, I look so beautiful tonight, do I not?". She did a twirl for emphasis, and grinned at him wickedly. 

"So..... delicious, don't you think?". She tilted her neck towards him. "We had a lot of fun together Hoseok, we could have so much more".

"Leave him alone", Yoongi cut in harshly. She once again turned her dark eyes to him.

"Yoongi", she gave him a sad knowing look. "We had something so special, you know that. I know you know, because even now, you can't let go of it", she walked right up to him.

"You don't have to let go, ever", her voice filled Yoongi's eardrums. He almost relaxed, but caught himself and shoved her away.

"Hold her down", he said with rage, cracking his knuckles menacingly. "It's time you were gone once and for all".

He could see real fear now, panic and disbelief beginning to spread across her face.

"People are trapped in history Yoongi", she hissed. "And history is trapped in them. Do you really think you have the guts to destroy me". He shrugged.

"Well, we're about to find out aren't we", he said calmly.

Jin and Hoseok were holding her down, but Namjoon put his hand on Yoongi's arm gently.

"Are you sure you want to do it this way?", he asked quietly. "I'm sure we can find another". 

Yoongi turned to him, and covered Namjoon's hand with his own.

"We can't, we tried to do it another way, and here she is", he whispered, and carefully pulled his friend's hand off.

He tried to hide the trembling in his hands as he placed them on Eunha's temples.

"You wouldn't do this to me, would you", she begged, eyes wide with terror.

"I'd say sorry, but you don't deserve it", he murmured sadly, and closed his eyes.


The three others heard the piercing screams from halfway across the building, and looked at each other.

"Poor Yoongi", Jimin bit his lip. Taehyung nodded in agreement, wincing at every new cry of agony that echoed through the castle.

"We need to get y/n back soon", Jungkook said softly. "She's freezing".

"We need to wait", Jimin said slowly. "It can't be much longer".

They waited in silence for another minute or two. As soon as the screams dissipated, Taehyung picked up your unconscious body carefully and nodded to the others.

They found them in the front hall, Yoongi was slumped against Jin, his face ashen.

"Is she gone", Jungkook asked instantly. Jin nodded, not saying anything as he held Yoongi upright. His lips parted with horror when he saw you though.

"Oh my God", Hoseok walked over and leaned over you, his forehead pressing against Taehyung's as he scanned you.

"We need to get her back", Taehyung said urgently.

"That we do", Namjoon said suddenly. He was trying to remain calm. "Let's go, I'd rather not spend any more time here. Yoongi needs to rest too".

One by one, they shot off, eventually only leaving Jimin. He looked around slowly, before giving a sad smile and disappearing into the night.


well bais,

the outro for shadow is so cute uwuwuuwuwuw

Baby Hobiiiii

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