Jealousy and Jukeboxes (pt 1)

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Just wanted to say thank you for all the sweet comments you left on the last chapter, I was smiling so hard.

Who has seen Bring the Soul? I couldn't see the last five minutes because I had to take off my glasses from crying lol. And proceeded to sob all throughout the credits. Please tell me I'm not the only one who did that.

Also wanted to scream along to the fanchants at the beginning but there was like only five other people there and they didn't say anything :( didn't want them to think they were in the cinema with a complete psycho oop-


Running with Jin gave you an adrenaline rush alright, same as with Hoseok, but you were in a daze at the fact that you had just kissed Jin.

You had no idea how the heck that happened.

Everything seemed blurrier than last time, until you realised that the rain had covered your glasses. Even Jin seemed a little distorted to you.

He came to a stop outside the vaguely familiar front door and put you down. You were trying to rub the water off your glasses, but of course that was making it worse.

You felt a warm hand catch yours and another pull off your frames carefully. Jin was giving you a gentle smile.

"You don't have to hide behind these all the time", he said quietly. "You're beautiful y/n, show it off".

You looked away awkwardly, trying to hide the dark pink staining your cheeks as he opened the door for both of you.

"Y/n!!", Jimin's gleeful voice rang out as he skipped into the hallway, his blonde hair bouncing up and down as he did so. "What on earth took you so long? And why on earth are the two of you  so drenched?". He tilted to the side, giving you a calculating gaze, and his eyes lit up in realisation.

"Oh my God, Jin kissed you didn't he", he said excitedly. Your cheeks were now fire-truck red, you could see them in a mirror across from you, which of course confirmed his statement.

"JIN KISSED Y/N!!!!!", he ran off into the depths of the house shrieking at the top of his lungs. You groaned and buried your face in your hands, while Jin just snickered.

"How did he know?", you asked in despair. He gave you an amused glance, his eye colour was a muted soft red, like dark leaves in Autumn. "Jimin can read people's emotions", he said casually, as if he hadn't just dropped a huge bombshell. "It's his gift".

"Y/n is here?".

You shivered. "Hi Taehyung", you greeted the empty air, you knew he was right behind you and if you turned to face him, he would be too close for your comfort.

He looped his two arms around your neck and leaned into you as Jungkook and Namjoon walked down the stairs at a normal pace.

"Long time no see", Jungkook said with a welcoming smile. His eyes were crinkled up slightly, it was very cute. Namjoon waved, flashing his dimples as he grinned.

"So, what was it like kissing our eldest", he teased. You laughed nervously, but felt Taehyung tense against you at Namjoon's joking words.


"Well, I should probably show you the guest bedroom y/n", Jin intervened hastily with a sheepish grin. You startled. "I'm staying?".

"If you would like, it's just a bit easier for us", Namjoon explained quickly. Your mouth made an oh shape. "I don't mind, I suppose", you replied carefully.

"Cool, I'll bring you there". You were about to reply but Taehyung answered before you could. "No it's ok, I'll show her". He pulled you towards the stairs quickly before Jin could protest.

He didn't say anything nor look at you while walking up, but his shoulders were tensed. It made you feel slightly on edge.

He continued to be silent as he led you to one of the open doors, it was a distressed white with a gold handle. It's pretty you thought to yourself.

The curtains were drawn across the window, so the room was quite dim, and whatever brief glimpse you caught of the furniture was blocked when Taehyung slammed the door shut and placed his hands on your shoulders to push you against the wall, none too gently you might add.

You could just about make out his eyes in the gloom, they were dark, but not soft like Jin's. They were dangerous. You were a little scared at this point

"Did you kiss Jin?", his demanding question surprised you. You shrank back slightly as his eyes became impossibly darker, until they were almost black, you could only make out little glints of scarlet here and there.

"Answer me y/n", he leaned closer, until his breath mingled with yours. You nodded slowly and he scowled.

"I don't like you kissing the others", he muttered darkly. "I don't want you kissing the others".

He curved his hand around the back of your neck and pressed his lips against yours harshly, taking one final step closer, so that almost every inch pressed of your body was pressed against his.

Your lips parted in surprise, and he slipped his tongue into your mouth briefly, but then began to place kisses at the side of your mouth, down to your jaw, and eventually your neck. It made shivers run throughout your entire body.

"They've faded", he said in a falsely sad tone, referring to the hickeys. "That won't do baby".

You inhaled sharply when he bit you, but he didn't pierce your skin, he just sucked until he left what you could imagine was an extremely dark mark on your neck. His hands had slipped down to grip your hips in a rather possessive manner.

"That'll show then", he whispered under his breath, you weren't sure if you were even meant to hear that. He straightened up and scanned your body.

"I'll get Jimin to give you some of his dry clothes", he said quietly. "They'll be the closest fit". He brushed past you quickly and slipped out the door without another word.

You had up to this point been confused by his actions, but now a thought occurred to you.

Was Taehyung jealous?


Well that got just a tiny little bit....... you know what I mean.

I haven't a clue how to write this stuff lol, this is so bad.

Hope everyone is doing good :)

Vote and comment if you somehow enjoyed.

Peace out uwuwuwuwu

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