Chapter sixteen - Unforgivable

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~Y/n pov~

You knock on the door and hear a lot of shuffling before it actually opens. You see Quirrell he looks tired not sleepy, but overworked.

"Is everything alright professor?" He was looking off at nothing while he answers.

"Yes, yes."

"Now, I um was hoping you could come with me Y/n." He said dragging you off down the halls.

"I thought we were good in the classroom. May I ask what changed?" You say attempting to keep up with his stride.

"I just want to practice something new with you." He told you. He seemed off to you. You nodded and followed to the outdoors, thinking why he seemed so off to you today.

You headed into the Dark forest, not far but further than you'd enjoy.

"I thought you hated it here?" You ask nervously.

"I do, but this is the best place to p-p-practice." He states with a nervous glint in his eyes.

"Practice what?" You ask growing concerned.

"Do the motion I taught you." He answered. You took a deep breath and did the motion he smirked satisfied with your fluency.

"Now I want you to say these words Avada Kedavra." Your eyes went wide and you felt blood drain from your face. You though about running but couldn't move.

"No! That's an Unforgivable Curse. I can't... its forbidden." He looks at you with a sad look but you had a chill run up your spine. Not guilt... fear.

"I-I know, but I want you to practice on a tree so you have the chance to use it to defend yourself if such d-dark dangers come for you." You shook your head no.

"Just once, and then we can leave. It'll be our secret. I promise no repercussions will come to you." You felt a weird fear about Quirrell now, he may've meant it in self defense but it's a serious crime. You nod and feel tears well up in your eyes. This may be too far.

"Avada Kedavra!" You yell doing the motion with the words, you see a green light be shot out of your wand hitting the tree full force. You falter and then fall to the ground huffing. Quirrell runs to help you. You flinch at his touch.

"You did good. You can go back to your dormitories to rest, that spell can take a lot out of someone the first time." He says kindly but proud. He was helping you steady yourself. You tried not to but a single tear slipped past.

"Why did I have to practice that?" You ask keeping your head down and avoiding eye contact. Feeling the guilt from just knowing that spell.

"I fear Dark forces are rising, you may be forced to pick a side and defend yourself." He told you. You nodded but a part of you didn't accept that answer. There was something he was hiding but not wanting to stay there any longer you left feeling the fear well up.

You feel tears threaten to fall. The hideous thing is that the power that you felt when casting that spell was... exhilarating. It scared you more than the spell its self.

You make a quick turn and run into a taller light brown-haired boy, his eyes were an unmistakable shade of Green, you could get lost in his forest green eyes, at times they looked as if they were pools of blue and you got lost in the swirl of colour.

"I'm so sorry." You said feeling bad for how many times you manage to do this, though being clumsy was quite the trait of yours. You blush realizing you were staring.

"No problem, none at all." The boy says looking at you cheerfully. The boy picks himself up.

"Oh, sorry I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n first year," You say.

"Oh no problem, I'm Peter, Peter groveden. Second year." He introduces himself helping you up.

"Nice to meet you. Where you headed?" You ask shaking his hand.

"I was going to my dormitories to make sure I have everything in order because I leave tonight." The boy tells you.

"Oh, sorry for getting in the way then." You laugh nervously. You notice by his scarf he was most likely a Ravenclaw.

"No please come join me, I could use the company." He invites you. You nod and look up at the boy. He was fairly tall for a second year.

"I've heard of you, 'princess of Slytherin' or 'girl with the golden heart' You've been here not even a year and have made a name for yourself." The girl with the golden heart was new, better than 'princess of Slytherin' though.

"It's an accident truly. I hate the nick names. I'm no one special." You see the boys pondering gaze.

"Most are happy to be celebrities. But you really don't want it?" The boy asks, almost surprised.

"If I'm going to be recognized I don't want it to be for something stupid. I want it to for something important." You state as if it were nothing.

"Just checking, you're a Slytherin?" He asks causing you to laugh, at his question.

"Yes. I'm proud to be one too." You smile feeling proud to be called a Slytherin.

"You'll be good for that house." He says you smile and laugh with the boy until you get to the Ravenclaw dormitories.

"I should let you be on your way and I have some friends I have to meet up with. It was nice meeting you Peter." You say looking at his eyes.

"Pleasure meeting you Y/n." He said his accent really showing. You waved goodbye to the boy before you went to hopefully find Harry and Ron. You feel chills from what happened back with Quirrell but attempt to push the memories back. He will not be the center of attention for you. You sigh and look over at the Gryffindor table and see Harry there alone. Time to come up with a plan.

~Snape pov~

I went to the Defense against the dark arts classroom but heard Y/n and Quirrell already inside.

"Is everything alright professor?" She asked with a worrying tone. He looks around nervously as if checking for anyone nearby.

"Yes, yes." He says looking in my direction. I quickly hide behind a corner.

"Now, I um was hoping you could come with me Y/n." He said dragging Her off down the halls. I follow in the shadows.

"I thought we were good in the classroom. May I ask what changed?" She asked walking behind the man. I had to keep hidden behind a corner listening in, she seemed to notice something was off about him. I wouldn't trust Quirrell with a quill let alone Y/n's power and my assumptions about him trying to steal the stone... he was not to be trusted.

"I just want to practice something new with you." He told Her. She followed him with caution. What ever he was up to there were ways of making him tell me. I rush to Dumbledore maybe he'll listen to what I have to say about Quirrell.

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