Chapter twenty three - A Strange Boy

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Y/n pov

You twist and turn rushing down halls the head masters office when you hear a loud ringing and feel light headed. You cover your ears and it doesn't stop. You stumble to your knees attempting to shake away the noise.

The last thing you remember is reaching out at a blurry figure before your vision goes black.

"You're connected here." A small boys voice says.

"What? Who are you?"  You yell you see Quirrell in the black smoke laughing before he disappears.

"Who, or where. Only I know." You hear the boys voice again.

"I'd prefer to know too." You mutter thinking of how to wake up.
"This isn't real, it's all a dream." You whisper pacing.

"Is it?" The boy says. You turn to face the boy; he was pale and had piercing brown eyes and his slick black hair. He creeped you out. He seemed to be a strange boy.

"It has to be. None of this is real its all in my head." The boy smirked.

"Every wondered why your parents had fear in their eyes when they look at you?" Your eyes went wide and you looked at him.

"How'd you... NO! This is all fake, it's in my head." You mutter.

"Just because it's in your head, doesn't mean it's not real. Quirrell and Snape's conversation is real. But hey if that's what you need to tell yourself." You look at the boy.

"Who are you?" You ask him.

"You must realize that you can be great." He says. You think for a second. Slytherin, destined for greatness.

"Why are you doing this to me?" You ask regaining strength.

"What do you mean child?" The Boy said tilting his head.

"You know what I mean. Why me? Random choice doesn't seem it. I wasn't easily swayed into submission as you can see by my questions. So, who or whatever you are, you'd have given up on me if it were just a random choice. But you haven't. So, there's another motive to this." You point out. The boy laughs at you.

"Clever girl." He says.

"Now, that means there's a reason. What is that reason." You challenge the boy.

"In due time." The voice says before he disappears into the darkness. You no longer feel a presence.  You see a green light get shot towards you. You have nowhere to run. You get hit by the light and fall backwards.

You can feel your limbs, numb and cold. What happened? Where are you?

McGonagall pov

As Albus and I walked around the halls he mentioned the trio's detention.

"Yes well, they've already had points removed. And I know who'll take care of it." I tell him.

"Ah, yes. I must say professor, you-" He stops and looks at me. I'm to busy staring at a student who is in the halls looking destressed.

"Minerva, you look pale. What's happened?" Albus asks.

I run forward at what I have just seen. A student clutching her head and falling to the ground, but her body was so tense like stone. She looked like she was in pain.

I rush forward and see none other than Y/n L/n from the Slytherin house. Her body was overheating and she was sweating like crazy. Albus came from behind me.

"Minerva, what's going on...?" He asks as I reveal the girl.

"We need to take her to the hospital wing." I say. Then I see a raven-haired man to my left.

"Severus?" The man doesn't acknowledge me, but just looks at the girl with panic.

"This is unlike anything I've seen; no potion has caused this." He states.

"Severus carry the girl to my office." Dumbledore requested. I followed shortly after the two. I've never seen Severus this panicked. Albus too, he seemed unsure of what was going on.

Severus places the girl on a table, she starts to mumble.

"Who are you? What am I?" The girl mutters in her sleep.

"One, time was all. Never again. Never again." She whispers clutching her robe. Albus took his wand and was preparing to perform a spell to calm her and hopefully wake her up.

"The stone... The Philosopher's Stone... Ugh." Y/n tensed in pain at Albus's spell to calm her.

The girl suddenly went into a state of relaxation only a few twitches.

"What was that?" I ask.

"I have no idea. We'll have to ask the girl when she wakes." Albus spoke softly.

The girls hand starts twitching as if feeling for something and we all lean in with interest. Y/n L/n what the hell happened?

Y/n pov

You still couldn't see but you could feel. You let out a shaky breath. Your throat felt raw and you finally opened your eyes but quickly noticed you weren't in a place you could recognise.

You slowly propped yourself up and noticed Dumbledore and McGonagall to your right and your eyes wander to your left and you notice Snape. You quickly slide off the desk being to afraid of Quirrell and Snape to take chances. You back up, almost falling due to how weak your body feels. You never take your eyes off the man.  Was he the reason for your... dreams?

"Y/n?" You jump at McGonagall's voice and put your hand above where your wand is in fear. McGonagall, Snape and Dumbledore look shocked at your reaction.

"What's happening?" You ask growing tense and scared.

"Y/n, we never would hurt you. You're safe here. You an take your hand off your wand." You hear the headmaster tell you. You looked at Snape with fear and McGonagall's concern. You slide your wand back.

"My apologies professors." You say your voice horse.

"What was that, may I ask Y/n?" Dumbledore asked. You sigh. You can't give to much away about what you saw with Snape in the room.

"Nothing. It was uh just a nightmare." You reply.

"Why were you out of bed miss L/n." Snape asks coldly looking at you sternly.

"I needed to speak to Dumbledore about uh something I saw." You said looking at the headmaster.

"When?" Snape questioned you. You thought for a second before answering.

"Over the holidays I... had a dream, it seemed like nothing at first, but, then it became so real as if I were watching a situation unfold between my very eyes. I thought perhaps it could be a vision, or something like the memories of... someone else." You say glancing at Snape most of the time.

"I was hoping to come talk to you about it getting increasingly concerned. When I was out, I heard a voice, I saw a boy, I saw a young boy, black hair; slick. He spoke calmly like he knew more then he let on. His brown eyes would stare through a person." You shuttered at the memory.
"I have no clue who he is.  Or if a boy like that ever existed." You explained. Dumbledore's expression grew grim and dark.

"I think you should tell me if anything else like this happens again." Dumbledore sounded demanding. You nodded with your response.

"Yes professor." You say daring to take your eyes off Snape to give a light nod and bow.

"I shall escort you back to the dorms." Snape offers stepping closer.

"NO! I mean, I'm certain I can find my way back on my own." You correct.

"Albus, I'll take Y/n to the medical wing to rest overnight, just in case she has any other problems tonight." McGonagall offered. You hesitated but looked at the headmaster, he nodded in approval. Then you two left.

(Who was it you saw? What did you see? I'm seeing Avengers Endgame today and am so pumped!!! Until next update - Emily)

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