Chapter Three - #fuckendeavour

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It wasn't very often that Midoriya Izuku woke up flushed red, the arms of a girl wrapped around his waist; come to think of it, that had never happened before- but it also wasn't very often Midoriya Izuku woke up as a captive in the cave-like basement of a group of villains, so he was willing to roll with it.

Wiping his arm under his nose helped to bring his mind further out of its still sleepy state, as the marring of his blood onto said arm affirmed that he had in-fact had his quirk activated for longer than he should have the day prior. Mentally, he chuckled at the memories that came back to him.

"I'm still not sure how you managed to set fire to water..." Izuku mumbled, looking back over his shoulder ever so slightly to peer at Mei; making sure as to not disturb her. After they'd managed to patchwork his Arc Reactor back into a stable state, the two of them had spent what was left of the 'day' getting to know each other since he hadn't wanted to overuse his quirk.

Eyes flicking to the blood now on his wrist, he realised how well that had gone. In retrospect, it wasn't the worst drawback he had seen for a quirk; not by a long shot. A nosebleed in exchange for incredible intelligence was far better than, say, the drawback Kacchan's quirk had on him. The explosive boy could scream and yell about how invincible he was as much as he liked, but sore hands and possible deafness in the boy's future say otherwise.

Izuku's eyebrows creased together for a moment as he pondered why his thoughts had shifted to his former-friend, given that there were far more pressing issues to attend to- however the tightening of the arms around his waist were enough to not only end his train of thought all together- but completely incinerate it.

Her arms weren't the only thing Izuku could feel- however he completely refused to acknowledge the other things pressing against his back. Taking a deep breath, the boy wrapped his hands around Mei's and gently pulled them apart- allowing him to slip off of and away from the box of munitions the two had decided would be their bed.

"Right, now where's my jacket..." Midoriya mumbled, his voice low as to not disturb his friend. Looking around the cave, it was clear that Mei had moved it at some point during their interactions, as he definitely didn't remember leaving it hung on the end of what he hoped was a decommissioned missile.

"Please tell me they didn't search me..." His hands digging through his jacket's pockets, with a feeling of nervousness spreading through his chest, Midoriya sighed with relief when his hand wrapped around a small leather-bound book.

Yanking it from his pocket, Midoriya hurried back over to his workbench. He was well aware of the fact that, during the time his quirk was active, he had given Mei grief for not having a proper sleep-schedule- however he had always been a fan of the motto 'do as I say, not as I do'.

Flipping through the pages of the notebook revealed hundreds upon hundreds of blueprints, sketches, diagrams, and inventions that he had been planning on building for some time- however due to either not having the space, or the resources, or because of some other reason- he hadn't yet.

"Right then, let's get started..." Finally flicking to a blank page in the book, the boy pulled a nubby-looking pencil from its spine and re-activated his Quirk; a dull headache seeming to activate with it; like flicking on a switch.

Ordinarily, he would bounce ideas around with J.A.R.V.I.S whenever he was inventing, however upon being captured, the villains had taken his phone; the only link he had to his AI parent when he wasn't at home.

For a moment, he considered waking Mei in order to brainstorm with her, however he also knew that she needed her rest- and that he wouldn't have had the heart to wake her.

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