Chapter Twenty-Five - Introductions

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"Systems online, Sir!" With the voice of Jarvis ringing around inside of his head, Midoriya smirked; raising both of his Repulsors towards the hulking clanker as it readied itself to attack.

"I was trying to draw it away from the others... I panicked and ran back here instead, sorry..." Sighing, Midoriya shook his head; finally firing off his blasters in an effort to destroy the bot's weaponry before it even had the chance to attack. After all, as fake as the exam was, the people behind the boy at that moment were actually injured- and he wasn't going to let them get hurt any further.

Sending the 3 pointer's arm, and it's weapon by proxy, flying- Midoriya proceeded to fire off one last blast into it's Arc Reactor; shutting it down almost instantly; its carcass lurching backwards and falling into the hole the first Iron Monger had created; an explosion of fire roaring up from said hole only a second later.

Thank god Present Mic wasn't actually down there.

"Holy crap... nice shot- oh, and, thanks for the save! I'm not really in a position to keep fighting right now," The red-haired boy chuckled; the glowing veins that were running down his arms seemingly fading, the feeling of power said veins were producing also dissipating along side them.

"It's no problem, but, you said there were others? How many people are in those tunnels?" Midoriya questioned, bringing up a small mini-map on his HUD. He hadn't had been able to install a fully-fledged radar to the Mark 5, but he was able to upload the schematics to UA into the suit, courtesy of Nezu of course.

"I don't know exactly how many people are in there, but I know that there's at least three right now. If you wanted a better answer we'd have to talk to one of the girls I met in there; her name's Jirou, and she has some sort of location Quirk." From the sounds of it, the boy already had the beginnings of a plan; that was good. Nodding his head, Midoriya turned to his left to face the still rather awe-struck girl.

"I take it you're going to stay here still?" Shaking her head as if to wake herself from a daze; the girl quickly nodded; looking over her shoulder as she heard someone approach from behind.

"Yeah, like I said, I'm more suited to rescue anyway... by the way, I've been meaning to ask, what's your name? I'm Uraraka!"

"Midoriya; Midoriya Izuku,"

"And I'm Kirishima!" With a relatively large explosion on the other side of the room, seemingly caused by the crushing of several one and two pointer robots by a large shadow beast, it would seem that the new duo had their cue to get moving. He didn't know if Kirishima knew or not, but the tunnels were going to be their best way of getting out of the auditorium, and hopefully to 'safety'; after all, those tunnels ran all throughout the school; connecting in some way to every department, on every floor.

"Alright, I'm gonna guess you have a plan; you can explain it whilst we rendezvous with your group," Turning back to face Kirishima, the boy nodded, and with a quick wave to Uraraka, the two of them began to sprint over to the hole in the wall. Midoriya found himself slightly relieved by the fact that his Iron Man suit allowed him to negate the vision impairment that the smoke had been causing.

Using his Repulsors to fly over the hole in the floor, Midoriya turned to look behind him as he landed in the tunnels; his eyes locking on to the explosive boy, who was still preoccupied taking down 1 and 2 pointer robots, that had been making their way into the room via the door on what was the right side of what was left of the auditorium.

The thought crossed his mind that he should call out to him; ask him if he wanted to join him and Kirishima in finding a way out- but a part of him knew that he would say no anyway, albeit in a much more abrasive way that just 'no'. The very fact that the blond had not only saved him, but saved his suit was... strange. Midoriya wanted to believe that it was Bakugou's way of showing he cared... but he knew that he more than likely didn't. It was probably just the adrenaline that the whole situation had caused.

Then again, he had indirectly told the bond that the whole situation was fake, so-

"Hey! What's the hold up? You looked like you spaced out?" Snapping his head round, and raising his Repulsor out of instinct, Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief when he realised it was just Kirishima.

"Oh, it's... it's nothing, I just got distracted, sorry... let's get moving..." Nodding his head, Kirishima began to lead the way, turning left and right in the maze of jagged metal until they reached what appeared to be a dead-end according to Midoriya's mini-map; at the end of the corridor, leaning against the wall were Ojiro, Jirou, and Sero.

"Hey guys! I'm ba-" At the sound of Kirishima's voice, all three of them seemed to turn in unison; their faces contorting into looks of fear as they laid their eyes on Midoriya. Before the red-haired boy could even get out a sentence however, Sero shot out a roll of tape; striking Midoriya in the shoulder.

"Kirishima! Look out!" Yanking Midoriya forwards caused the boy to crash into Kirishima, knocking him out of the way and onto the floor as the Mark 5 landed on the ground besides him in a heavy thunk; Midoriya not even having time to react and put his hands out to break said fall.

"I haven't seen one that looks like that yet! W-What do you think it can do?" Ojiro mumbled, watching Midoriya with an apprehensive look in his eyes; his tail already tense and ready to fight.

"This one can feel pain because it's not a robot!"

A/N: Hey! So, sorry about how late this chapter might be- but for some reason I'm having a little writers block right now! Anyway; hope you enjoy! :D

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