Chapter Four - One bullet; Two bullets; three bullets; four

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"Are ya doing okay? Can you move?" Mei questioned; the thrum of Izuku's Arc Reactor now being amplified by the metal suit they had cobbled together.

Flexing his hands a little, Izuku gave a nod, and Mei turned around; grabbing a pair of pliers off of her workbench.

"Alright, say it again..." The girl instructed, as she turned back around to face Midoriya, before squatting and tampering with the gauntlets that covered his arms.

Flicking on his quirk, Midoriya's voice suddenly fell flat as it always did.

"Fourty-One steps straight ahead, then sixteen steps, that's from the door, fork right, then thirty-three steps, turn right again- and then break through whichever wall looks weaker..." The boy chanted, deactivating his quirk.

They only had one shot at this, and Izuku didn't want to have all of their hard work to have been for nothing, because a nosebleed or a headache.

"Good, good, it looks like my babies are secure; right, what now?" Standing from her crouched position, Mei's eyes quickly darted across the suit; her nerves were finally getting to her, and she couldn't help but feel like she had missed something.

The two had spent the last few hours working together to build what was, in essence, a large roboticly-enhanced hunk of metal in the shape of armour, and it just so happened to also be armed to the teeth.

"Put my helmet on, then go turn the suit on, okay?" Nodding her head, Mei dashed from where she was stood over to Midoriya's desk, where her laptop was, and then quickly rushed back with it in her hands.

"You know, out of all the projects I've worked on over the years- I think this has been the weirdest..." Mei admitted, chuckling as she placed her laptop down on her workbench, and picked up Izuku's helmet.


Placing the helmet on Izuku's head; the faceplate still up, Mei quickly booped him on the nose.

"...Its definitely been one of my favourites..." She finally finished, turning away from the now rather flustered Izuku, and instead focusing on trying to power up the suit.

"Well, I- I'm glad I got to work on this with you; this is probably the biggest thing I've ever built..." Midoriya chuckled, a large and very contagious smile spreading across his face.

"Alright, the program has loaded, what do I press?" Mei ask, watching as a bunch of smaller command prompts began to open themselves, and then close themselves.

"Ah! Oh yea, I- um... Press 'F11', and then 'Control' and 'Enter'. The moment you press 'Enter', my Arc Reactor will begin to divert power into the suit, okay? So... We'll have thirty minutes until it starts to have any effect on me..." Midoriya explained, watching as Mei followed along with his instructions; her finger hovering over the enter key.

"Well... This is it..." The girl mumbled to herself, taking a deep breath as she quickly jabbed at the enter button; turning to face an equally nervous Izuku as the suit began to activate.

"Alright, close my faceplate..." The boy ordered, letting out his own shaky breath as he flexed his limbs one more time.

The two inventors seemed to sit in a tense silence the whole time the suit was booting up; neither saying anything for the simple fact that neither had anything to say. This could either go really well, and they would never have to go back to the cave they resided in again- or it could go really badly... And they would never have to go back to the cave they resided in again...

The flickering and then death off the cold cave lights seemed to break the two out of their trance; the Arc Reactor and Mei's laptop being their only sources of light left active.

Spinning her head back to her screen; the loading bar that once filled it had been completed, and had now disappeared.

"Alright, let's do this..."

It wasn't very often that the villains came to check on Mei and Izuku; in fact in the little amount of time the boy had been there, they hadn't even been down to bring the two of them food. That's why it was so surprising to the two inventors when a groan of pain was heard underneath the door that Izuku had punched out of the wall.

"Well... That's one down I guess, but I have a feeling that they may have heard that..." Dryly chuckling to herself, Mei watched as Izuku pulled his fist back from its outstretched position, and walked through the new hole.

"Yea, just remember to stay behind me..." Midoriya muttered, flicking on his quirk as he took point.

"Fourty-One steps forward..." The boy mumbled to himself; his eyes straining to see through the two small slits he had made for himself. As it turned out, the power outage had affected the whole of the cave, and not just the part they were in.

"What in the seven shades of shit is that?!" Well, if the villains didn't know they'd broken out before, they certainly did now. Though it was hard to see considering the corridor was being lit by nothing more than the boy's Arc Reactor, Midoriya saw what he assumed to be a man, dressed from head to toe in fully black clothing; and a pistol that was moments ago attached to his side.

"Mei, stay behind me..." The boy repeated, turning to face the girl out of worry, before turning back to the villain that had caught them.

"Yea, he has a gun, you have a suit of armour, and I'm in a dirty tank top and joggers... I'm not plannin' on running in front of ya..." Mei quipped. If the situation wasn't as tense as it was, Midoriya might have laughed.

"Get back in that cave right now or I'm gonna shoot you!" The villain yelled, cocking back his gun. It was actually rather rare to see villains using firearms; their effectiveness being reduced extremely with the rise of quirks; a villain using a gun usually meant that their quirk was either useless, or...

"Make me!" Izuku yelled back, continuing to walk towards the end of the corridor. One bullet; two bullets; three bullets; four; each bullet fired at Izuku fell to the dirt floor.

Holding out his giant metal left hand, the pistol was ripped out of the villains own hands and flung towards Izuku as he continued to press on towards his goal. Bringing his left hand back down just before the gun reached him, Midoriya deactivated the built-in electromagnet and let the gun fly right past him... and land at Mei's feet.

"Twenty-one more steps..." Midoriya muttered, watching as all confidence that the villain had been exuding shattered at the lack of gun in his hand- which meant only one thing; this villain was more than likely quirkless, or at the very least, had a useless quirk.

"Okay, you know what? I'm just gonna go now!" The villain squeaked, running back the way he came from with a speed that almost convinced the boy that the villain did have a quirk.

"Mei, do you know how to fire that?" Izuku asked, not slowing his charge as he continued down the corridor.

"I mean... it can't be too hard- why?" Coming up to a crossroads, Izuku stopped dead in his tracks before swinging his right arm around in a backfist; slamming the head of a previously unseen villain into the cave wall.

"Just in case"

Walking past the bleeding villain, Midoriya continued moving through the winding corridors; having to bash the occasional quirked villain over the head, and just straight up scaring the quirkless ones. In it's own morbid way, it was actually quite entertaining.

"Alright Mei, this is it; when I turn right we're going to be in the main building and I'm going to make a break for one of the walls; hopefully this suit will hold up, but if it doesn't... leave me and get to the door, they'll be too distracted taking me down that you'll go unnoticed" Izuku whispered, earning him a look from Mei that he couldn't quite discern. Even with the light that was coming from the main building.

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