Chapter Twelve - Let's'a Go~

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The end of the week was here; Friday, the date that regular school-goers hailed as a holy date that marked the beginning of the weekend. Of course, Midoriya wasn't any regular school-goer; the suit of shiny armour that encased his body being proof of such. He had been cutting it close to his deadline when he had finished putting together the rest of the Mark 2 armour; his procrastinating instincts seeming to creep up on him without even realising- however, that didn't matter now. He had finished building the suit, and the police were on the way.

"Sir, I have finished integrating myself within the suit; are you sure you've boxed up everything you wish to take with you to Mei's lab?" Jarvis queried. Midoriya scanned the room quickly, the Mark 2 mask still in his hand as he made sure he had boxed up the essentials. After all, it's not like he needed to take everything with him. His tech was important to him, so don't get him wrong- it did hurt to leave it behind, however Mei's lab had far bigger and more advanced machines.

"Yes, Jarvis, I've boxed everything up; now, I want you to engage the heads-up-display, forward all preferences from the old home interface, activate the virtual environment, and test out control services- that way, when the police arrive, we can take off as soon as possible. The travel time from here to Kyoto is around 91 minutes by train, and I don't know how quick I'm willing to go in this thing yet!" Midoriya ordered, his eyes glowing green as he spoke. He probably could have remembered those commands without his Quirk if he wanted, but in his highly tired state, he couldn't care to.

"Very well Sir!" With that, the suit began to whir; flaps, folds, and panels all shifting from the ground up as Jarvis began to test its functionality. It wasn't the most aesthetically pleasing design, even Midoriya had to admit- however with the resources he had on hand- he was fucking proud of it; of every single studded rivet. One thing he did know however, was that he didn't intend on keeping the silver look. It was nice, but it just wasn't him.

A knocking at his door pulled Midoriya out of his own mind, and so he quickly and awkwardly made his way over to the said door to open it. Unlike the last time the police had shown up, Jarvis was no longer inside the lab; he was inside the suit, and so he couldn't control things like the door. He didn't like having Jarvis physically inside his suit, since it meant he could lose the AI all together if something happened to it- but it was a necessary evil.

"Hello Midori- what the hell are you wearing?" The speed at which the joy in the female officer's voice died, only to be replaced by a deadpan tone almost made the genius burst out laughing. Shaking his head, Midoriya stepped backwards, opening the door fully for her, and the other two accompanying officers to come in.

"It's my ride! Anyway, everything I want to take with me has been boxed up; I would stay and help you, but I kind of want to get going..." Awkwardly chuckling, Midoriya put his thumb up towards the door. Looking at him oddly for a second, the thought briefly crossed the officer's minds to ask how the suit was in fact 'a ride'- but that thought went as quickly as it came when they realised they probably wouldn't understand anyway.

"Alright, just be careful; it's dark out and that suit might catch unwanted attention..." One of the other officers waved, turning away from the boy as the genius left his apartment for the last time; closing the door behind him, and walking down the apartment building until he reached the ground floor.

"Alright Jarvis, I want you to start listening in on ground control, and then send an email over to Endeavour to tell him about what's happening; I have a feeling he's going to want to keep buying my silence..." Izuku sighed, finally coming to a stop when he reached the sidewalk.

The light of the moon shined off of the Mark 2's reflective surface, and the blue lights of his eye sockets and Arc Reactor lit up the surrounding area like a high-powered torch. If it wasn't for the inbuilt heaters, Izuku would definitely have been feeling the cold of the night.

"Very well Sir, you may take off when ready!" Bringing his feet together and pushing his hands out, Midoriya looked upwards towards the sky.

"Let's do this!" The sound of his Arc Repulsors coming to life filled the otherwise silent air, before the genius shot into the sky; an excited yell tearing itself out of him as a smile made its way onto the boy's face. Adrenaline flooded his body, and the beautiful lights of Musutafu flooded his senses; Midoriya was feeling euphoric as he flew across the city; his HUD giving him information on almost every landmark he even glanced at.

"Alright, Sir, I've plotted out the quickest route to get to the Hatsume residence! Would you like me to call ahead?"

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