Chapter Twenty - Revenge is a dish best served loud

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"Young Midoriya, I have to say your work continues to astound me, though I must say I was rather surprised when you sent the first drafts through for these beautiful drones; I never knew you had a flare for such militaristic weaponry!" This was the third meeting himself and Principal Nezu had arranged- and as long as everything went well, it would be their last until the Entrance Exam.

The principal in question had been referring to the one and two point drones that stood tall on either side of the man.

"If I'm being honest the weaponry wasn't my design, they were designed by my friend; the other founder of the Iron Man project..." The mouse seemed to pause for a moment, before nodding; a suspicious look making its way into his eyes.

"I see... I'm guessing that this was for a reason?" Midoriya shifted uncomfortably where he stood; the chill of the wind finally managing to effect him. The two of them were located on the site that the Entrance Exam would ordinarily take place at, more than likely because Nezu wanted to test just how much damage the drones could actually do.

"I... I'm going to sound selfish if I say why..." Principal Nezu sighed, his smile taking on a more sympathetic look.

"That is quite alright Midoriya, we're allowed to be selfish at times; had I not been selfish in asking you to design these drones in the first place; UA would not be benefiting from them!" Honestly, Midoriya couldn't really fault that logic, and he didn't exactly feel like activating his Quirk to try; he had over exerted that the night prior, and his mind was still reeling form the information overload his drawback provided. Somehow though, in his own way, Nezu had actually made Midoriya feel a little less anxious about the situation. It was like the mouse was some form of therapy animal.

"Well, it's just... the Iron Man weaponry and the Arc Reactors and stuff, they're my signature tech, y'know? I just felt like putting it into these drones would be wrong somehow... hell, that's why I gave them their own separate designation from the rest of my suits!" Midoriya explained, looking up at the drones with his mouth drawn into a thin line; his eyes being drawn to the white lettering that ran across their chest plates that read 'HAMMER'.

They were both grey, a stark contrast from his usual green and gold colour scheme- and instead of Repulsors, they were equipped with Mei's less-volatile babies; specialised machine guns, missile launchers, over-shields, cloaking devices- and a myriad of other tech that was still far far too clunky to be used in his Iron Man suits. Though, the one big difference between the one and two pointer bots was the simple fact that the 2 pointer had two additional arms attached to its much more elongated chest, allowing for additional weapons.

The only thing that even tied the drones to him was the fact they they ran off of an Arc Reactor.

"I completely understand your reasoning! You have nothing to worry about Midoriya, but you mentioned that you didn't want to use your Arc Reactors to power these drones; yet it appears as though that is exactly what is happening. Am I to assume that these are not average Arc Reactors? Looking back down to the mouse, Midoriya nodded his head.

"Yes, they are what I call 'One-Use' Arc Reactors; when a Drone is defeated, they completely burn themselves out," He explained, pulling his phone from his pocket and holding it horizontally; a hologram being displayed only a few seconds later of that exact process occurring.

Nezu watched with great interest as the holographic Arc Reactor burned itself out from the inside, rendering it useless.

"Well then, it would seem we have reached the apex of our conversation, should we get along with the practical trial? Should this be a success, I will have these models mass produced and they shall be used on the exam day!" Midoriya smiled in response, nodding his head as he placed his phone back into his jean pockets.

"Alright then. Jarvis, activate the drones!" Midoriya commanded, reaching his hand up to the earpiece as he did so; more so out of habit than anything else.

"Yes, Sir!" With that, the Hammer Drones activated; the blue slits on their head lighting up and their many weapons booting to life.

"You know, S- I mean... Nezu... you never actually said what they are actually going to be fighting in this test..."

"Present Mic? Are you there? It's time for you to come out now!" Looking to the mouse, Midoriya was shocked to find him with a hand up to his own earpiece; something he could have sworn was not there before.

"W... Wait... You're gonna make Present Mic fight these things?!" Nezu merely smiled again.

"Well, considering he was the one to leave our previous model of robots in their 'Instant Kill' mode when testing them, as you saw during our first meeting- and because he shot you out of the sky because he thought you were one of said robots, despite the fact that none of our robots could actually fly- it seemed like a fair punishment!"

"Well... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit excited... I had to start work on the Mark 4 version of my suit earlier than expected because of the damage he caused..." Midoriya mumbled, turning to look deeper into the fake city; watching as his two drones began to dash into said city, weapons ready to fire at a seconds notice.

He had initially considered giving them the ability to fly, but he had decided against that when the jetpack Mei had been tinkering with detonated whilst they were eating dinner with her parents; leaving their only other flight option being the same as what he would use in his own suits- and like he had stated before, he didn't want to do that.

"I forgot to ask by the way, where is the three pointer robot? Didn't you say you had a model of that built for testing as well?"

"Yes, I did..." Midoriya glanced to the mouse when he didn't elaborate more on his point, however found himself snapping his head back to the city as a loud explosion and a panicked scream ripped through the silence that had been building up; the one and two pointer robots still running in what must have been the direction of Present Mic.

"By the way Midoriya, this partner of yours; are they also planning on applying for UA?"

"Yes, she is... she wants to get into the support course..." This time there was another, much more dignified and collected scream; the words 'yeah' blasting into the sky, being followed not too long afterwards by the sounds of explosions and gunfire. The one and two point robots at this point had also finally run out of Midoriya and Nezu's line of sight.

"I see... you are aware that I would allow her into the Hero course as well if she wanted to use the suits the two of you are building?" Midoriya smiled, shaking his head before letting out a sigh.

"I've talked to her about it before, she just doesn't really want to go the Hero route; even with all of her gadgets and stuff at her disposal, she just wants to become and inventor..."

"You sound proud Midoriya, I will make sure to look out for her exam specifically, what is her name?" Ignoring the next wave of yelling from Present Mic's battle, Midoriya turned his head to watch the mouse.

"Mei... or rather, Hatsume Mei..." Midoriya felt himself briefly turn red, and so he turned back to watch the arena for the explosion clouds or flying words that would pop up into the air every so often.

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