Chapter Nine - Parental Jarvis

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"Good morning, Sir!" Jarvis sang, forcing open the curtains of his creator's room; allowing the light of the sun to bleed into the room and onto the now-disgruntled boy's face.

"I made you too much like a parent..." Izuku grumbled, slowly turning his body until he collapsed onto his bedroom floor; his duvet wrapped around him in a way that made him look undoubtedly like a burrito.

"Today's breakfast is Toast, Sir; I know it's not what you're used to, but considering you've slept in, I doubt you'd have time for anything else!"

Izuku grumbled again, his eyebrow raised as his eyes remained glued shut.

"I slept in? That's new... How long for? "

"Three hours, Sir!" His eyes widening more than he thought was even possible, one word and one word only began to channel itself through the boy's very soul.


In a display of panic and shock, Midoriya thrashed around inside of his burrito prison, eventually managing to free himself; much to Jarvises amusement.

"What didn't you wake me you fucking inbread piece of malware!"

"Watch your language, Sir..." Rolling his eyes at his AI's sarcastic tone, the boy proceeded to agressivly pull on his school uniform.

"Shove your language up your ass; I'm gonna turn you into a fucking Furby!" Running out of his room and then down into his lab, Midoriya quickly yanked the toast out of his toaster and proceeded to run over to his backpack.

"Did you calibrate the Mark 2 pieces yet?" Izuku questioned, putting the toast into his mouth as he dragged his bag over to his workbench.

"Not fully; since this is a completely new program I'm running, the first calibration is going to be far longer than the ones after it..." Nodding his head, Izuku crouched down and opened up the workbench; pulling out the Mark 2's right arm, before placing it into his bag.

"May I ask why you're taking that highly-illegal weapon of mass destruction with you to school?" Izuku pretended to think for a moment as he stood up, taking the toast out of his mouth after another bite.

"Nope, because if I told you, you wouldn't let me take it!" The boy smiled, walking over to another of his workbenches and picking up an earpiece, before putting it into his ear.

"Just as I thought you'd say..."

"So how long do I have before I have to set off?" Midoriya questioned, pulling his backpack on taking a seat on the nearest chair.

"Around five minutes, Sir; eat up, I have a feeling that you're going to need it," With that, Izuku proceeded to finish his toast.

It had only occurred to Midoriya that his kidnapping and escape had probably been broadcast on the news, when the eyes of each and every one of his classmates turned to dig their gazes into him as he entered the classroom. Each one filled with their usual disdain for his very existence, however some also holding a small amount of what looked to be awe. That was new.

Come to think of it, he did also get the occasional stare from people on the street as he was walking to school.

"Ahh, welcome back Midoriya; please, take your seat!" Their teacher called, waving her hand over to his cracked and decrepit desk; that's Kacchan's explosions for ya. Nodding his head, he walked over to his desk and sat down; the gaizes of his classmates dying off one by one.

Well, all except for one.

"I can feel him starring and I don't even have a physical body..." Jarvis mumbled, Izuku's earpiece coming to life.

"I think I understand why you brought the arm now..." The AI added, causing the boy to suppress a laugh. There was no doubt in Izuku's mind that Bakugou was going to confront him today, and so that provided the exact conditions he would need to test the Arc Repulsors on a person without getting in trouble. After all, Bakugou always strikes first; anything that happens after that is self-defense.

"Sir, I must warn you that the Arc Repulsors on the Mark 2 are only a prototype; they might not work in battle..." His eyes quickly scanning the room to make sure no one was watching, Midoriya mumbled back.

"I know, don't worry; once we move into Mei's lab our work speed will increase ten fold- and so will our tech. I promise..." After that, Jarvis remained silent for the rest of the lesson; allowing Izuku to focus on his work, as well as the stare that he could have sworn was trying to dig itself into his very soul.

The sound of the bell ringing throughout the classroom signalled that the class had ended, and so just like everyone else, Izuku packed up his things and left the room. Ever since he'd had to install the reactor in his chest, his classmates had toned down their abuse towards him quite significantly- however it was still quite surprising to him that they'd just let him walk out without any grief. Though, considering he'd just been kidnapped a few days ago, that was probably just a courtesy thing.

Watching as all the other students continued on down the corridor towards the courtyard, Midoriya quickly backed up into the bathroom- and then backed up further into a bathroom stall.

"Alright Jarvis, it's time..." Taking the arm out of his bag, Midoriya slid it on underneath his gakuran, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a single glove.

"Can't be too careful..."

"Do you want me to run background analysis, Sir?" Jarvis queried.

"Of course, my good AI!"

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