Chapter Twenty-Seven - Something isn't quite right here

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Shinsou stood firmly in place as he stared down the villain; his tired facade doing well to hide the pure feeling of terror that had bloomed in his chest when the masked man had first walked into their classroom turned testing hall. This had not been how he had expected his day to go, but if he were being honest, on some level, he wasn't all that surprised that he had been placed into this situation.

Bad luck seemed to follow the boy everywhere he went, as he had noticed over the course of his life; all stemming from when he had gotten his Quirk aged four- but even he never would have imagined that his bad luck would have allowed for literal villains to break onto UA campus; one of the strongest and most secure (not anymore at least) places in all of Japan.

Shinsou grit his jaw; hearing the quiet, muffled cries of the other GenED test-takers hiding behind him; using him as a shield. Well, that would imply that he hadn't followed along with his own apparently suicidal urges and been to one to step out in front of them to protect them. Technically, it was the logical thing to do; most people taking the GenED test were bound to have non-combative Quirks, and though his was also technically non-combative, that was only the case against robots.

"Look you small-fry, I ain't here to waste energy smashing you runts into the ground- though that is kinda tempting; I'm just here to hold you guys hostage- so do us all a favour and stop trying to play hero?" The villain was male, Shinsou noted. He was broad-shouldered, and clearly had some muscle packing- though, that was all he could really make out about the man. His face was hidden by an ornate looking mask; covering his whole face the mask was white in colour and featured dancing golden shapes spreading across it, with two slits for eye-holes, and his clothing just consisted of an all-encompassing white robe.

Normally, in this situation, it would be wise for a hostage, or even a hero, to back down and do as they were told. After all, Shinsou's opponent was bigger than he was; there was no way to tell if he was concealing any weapons- and there were no tell-tale signs of what the man's Quirk was.

Shinsou, however, was going to do no such thing.

"Oh yea, and what're you gonna do if I don't?" The purple-haired teen could practically hear the other students behind him freeze in absolute horror at his words, however paying them no mind, the boy merely focused on the villain in front of him; waiting patiently for the man to make any sort of verbal response.

"I'm gon-" Before the man could even finish his second word, his whole posture fell limp; his eyes, though not visible to anyone, falling to a milky-white; completely void of life.

"Walk away and leave us alone; if you see any other villains, attack them." With those simple words, the big bad bulking villain turned on his heal and walked out of the classroom, much to the not-so-silent relief of the other students behind him; who even though confused about how the hell he had managed to do that, found themselves not caring in the slightest because why would they? They were going to live, and that was all that mattered to them.

Taking in a deep breath, Shinsou allowed himself to come out of his power-stance and do his best to relax. The immediate danger was gone, but the school was more than likely still over-run. There had been an announcement played over the P.A system only a few seconds before the villain had burst in, seemingly meant only for the Hero Course test takers; in his panic the Principal must have just broadcast to the whole school by mistake, but the message had said that the robots used in the Entrance Exam had been hacked.

Human villains he could deal with, but robots? Not so much. If he could deal with robots he wouldn't have been applying for GenED in the first place. A part of Shinsou wanted to laugh as he considered the possibility that, if he proved himself capable during this break-in, they might let him into the Hero Course. He knew that wasn't how things worked, but hey, he could dream.

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