Chapter Five - We live in a society

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"So you're 100% sure that this is where those two kids are being held captive?" A large, burly finger jabbed at the map which had been rolled out on to the table; landing on what looked to be the location of an empty warehouse.

"Well, we know that the Midoriya kid is more-than-likely here; as for the other kid, her case has been cold for a few years now- but if she's anywhere, she'll probably be here..." Detective Tsukauchi sighed, pulling the beige folder from under his armpit, and handing it to All Might.

"So what do we know about these guys..."

Flicking open the folder, All Might began to look over all of the information he had been given whilst Tsukauchi walked over to his office door; closing and locking it.

"Well, they're an anomaly to say the least; they're a splinter group of what is known as the 'League of Villains'. We believe that they split due to a difference in ideals," The man began to explain; his eyes flicking away from the files he had been glancing at when he heard the sound of All Might de transforming.

"What about the kids? Why were they targeted?" Taking a seat back at his desk, the Detective continued.

"The League of Villains are short in numbers because they don't believe quirkless people have a place amongst them; the group that took these kids believe that they do. From the few encounters that we've had with them over the years, it's clear to see that they use support gear to help them fight, and judging from the quirks that these kids have, it's safe to assume that they took them to build those pieces of support gear..."

All Might gave a noise of acknowledgement as he softly closed the file he had been handed.

"Thank you, by the way; I know that you're busy getting ready to begin teaching next year, but I'm really grateful you decided to help me on this case."

"It's no problem; kidnapping is something that no one should have to suffer through, child or adult- it really hurt me to find out that the original case was put on the back burner because the girl's quirk wasn't deemed as important as the others..." This time, it was Tsukauchi's turn to make naught but a sound of acknowledgement.

The system was flawed; both the hero and the detective knew it- but nothing could really be done to change it. To do that, you'd have to change the way that society viewed quirks as a whole- and the last time that happened was when people had decided murdering those with quirks wasn't exactly ethical.

"Since the building they're supposedly being held at has no legal owners, you can go out there and get the job done whenever you're ready- though if I were you, I'd wait until I can get some officers to come down with you..." The detective stated, before All Might walked over to his desk and placed the folder down on it.

"I'll head out there tomorrow; I've already hit my limit for today, and I don't want to risk making my time even shorter if the kids aren't there. Do you think that'll be enough time to get everyone ready?" Nodding his head, Tsukauchi stood up from his chair and shook his friend's hand, before walking with him to the door of his office.

"Alright, I'll make sure to have two units ready for dispatch by six tomorrow; talk to you soon Toshi," Smiling, All Might quickly entered his buffed up form; the form the rest of the office had seen him enter as, before slipping out of the Detective's office; heading to the nearest elevator his eyes laid sight on. Though the smoke that had started to raise from his body had gone unnoticed by the other officers hard at work in the precinct, said smoke was strikingly obvious to All Might; the smoke being a signal that he had in fact reached his limit for the day. Normally, when he said he was at his daily limit, he took into account the amount of energy needed to get away from the public eye.

"I guess I did go a little overboard today..." The mighty man mumbled, stepping inside the elevator barely big enough to contain his body, before pressing the button to go to the ground floor; de-transforming with a bloody cough the moment the doors closed. Fortunately for All Might, all camera footage from inside the police station seemingly deletes itself whenever he shows up for the day, so he doesn't have to worry about being caught. Another thing he had to thank Tsukauchi for.

The rest of the day seemed to fly by in a blur, and for the Symbol of Peace, it had almost felt like no time had passed between his initial conversation with Tsukauchi- and him now walking in the midst of two police squadrons, a cup of hot coffee steaming in his hands.

"All right, so, the building we are going to be searching is listed as abandoned, however we all know that villains aren't exactly forthcoming about the locations of their hideouts, so everybody just keep their guard-" The sound of what could only be described as an explosion, followed by an immense shockwave tremoring through the ground cut All Might off immediately from his pep-talk, gluing himself and the officers in place as they halted their march in an attempt to not fall to the ground.

In the distance, through the roof of the building that All Might had been sent to investigate, the Pro as well as many other officers looked on as what appeared to be a gargantuan metal bullet fired through the air, explosions following in tow- looking in no way dissimilar to how a rocket would look upon launch.

"So, does wall mean ceiling now?! This was not the plan!" Mei shrieked, her vice grip around Izuku's helmet almost being enough to crush the now rather mailable metal with how tight she was holding on. Though it was hard to hear her over the sound of metal scraps scraping, and breaking and grinding against each other; the boy could tell she was less than pleased with the new turn of events.

"Well, in my defence; I said I'd bust through whatever wall looked weakest; and they were all as equally strong! So... I panicked, okay?!" Midoriya yelled back, staring to feel the effects of the boosters wearing off, little by little. They had planned on using the boot boosters as a last resort once the two had left the building; if the suit was too damaged to walk away, they would just fly and crash-land.

"So you panicked and decided to set off what is essentially a small rocket, indoors?!"

"...Pretty much, yeah..." The boy sighed back, mentally counting down the amount of seconds it would take before the two of them began to fly dead-stick. He didn't bring it up, for fear of worrying her, but in the moment he had made the decision to fire off their boosters, his quirk had not been active. The inside of the helmet smelled like metal anyway, since... y'know, it was made of the stuff- but even if it wasn't, the amount of blood plastering the insides of it would make it smell like it was.

Five seconds. Izuku managed to pry Mei off of the back of the suit.

Four seconds. Izuku pulled the girl in close to the front of the chestplate, wrapping both metal arms around her to act as a shield.

Three seconds. Diverting what power was left in the main thrusters to the vents that covered each side of the hulking suit, Izuku rotated the two of them in mid-air; his back now being what would take the force of their landing.

Two seconds. Mei closed her eyes.

One second. Izuku clenched his own eyes shut as he braced himself for the blow he was about to receive.

Zero seconds. With a jolt large enough to force open the eyes of both Mei and Izuku, something just outside of either of their vision struck the side of their suit, not only stopping their immediate and hard collision with the ground, but completely circumventing it, as whatever had caught them gently placed them on the ground.

"There's no way..." Izuku could hear Mei mumble, as she forcibly removed his iron hands off of her; each one landing on the ground next to him with a resounding thud.

"Have no fear child, for I am here!" Boomed a voice from outside the suit.

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