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I shuddered feeling the cold win ghost my skin. Wait hold up, cold wind? I had a tiny heater at the foot of my bad practically cooking my alive when I went to sleep. I was just practicing from when I get to hell I guess. I opened my eyes cautiously. Which by the way I have no idea why, usually not even a earthquake can get me to wake up. Yet I felt like there was something in the back of my mind urging me get off my lazy ass.

So, despite my comfort and better judgement I did. Only to find the huge window of my strangely decorated room wide open. That was definitely closed when I went to bed.

The full moon shone through my window illuminating my room just enough so that I could make out the wall opposite of my bed that was covered messily with all kinds of band, comic book, and movie posters, along with the few pictures I have of my family and friends. By that I mean, the dog I had when I was ten. Yes, he counts as both friends and family. The rest of my room was too dark to see as the light wasn't able to reach the other corners, but I could see outside perfectly well.

There was a ghostly silver light that covered the lonely street, there were no cars or people or even cats in the eerily quiet night. Off in the distance I could make out the beautiful forest that surrounded Beacon Hills. Come. I snapped my head back looking around my room. No you idiot, here. The soft velvety voice of a women whispered exasperatedly and I looked back to the window. I raised my eyebrows, okay then. Without hesitation I grabbed a pair of brown combat boots and tugged on a pair of acid washed skinny jeans over my bare legs, since I slept in an oversized graphic tee. I grabbed a flashlight and phone before heading out. I'm not sure why I did it, but there was a desperate beed in the pit of my stomach telling me to do what the voice said. I was a foot away from the door when I heard shuffling behind me.

"Where the hell are you going?" A sassy voice spoke behind me. Shit. I gritted my teeth together as I spun around slowly to meet Stilies' whiskey coloured eyes glaring at me from the base of the staircase. "Hmmm?" He hummed expectedly as he squinted up at me since he didn't have his glasses on.

"On a walk." I hissed back grabbing the hoodie that I had left on the coatrack earlier that day.

He smiled sarcastically at me. "Great I'll grab my coat."

I pursed my lips and exhaled through my nose. I will not kill my cousin. I will not kill my cousin. I will not kill my cousin despite the fact that he makes Ted Bundy look like an angel. "Sorry you have to be at least six to go walking in the middle of the night."

"I'm eight!" He whisper shouted, and smirked when he saw my frightened expression. "If you don't let me go I'll wake my dad up." He smirked, this kid was a lot smarter than I give him credit for.

"Go ahead then he'll yell at both of us for waking him up." I smirked back. Only he underestimated me, and my knowledge for dealing with devil children. Like Gossip Girl taught me, the only thing feared by the spawn of satan are mom and dad. In this case dad.

"Fine, just tell me where you're going then?"

I sighed hesitating before answering, at least if I get murdered Stiles will know where to find my body. "Forest."

"You're going in the middle of the night to the forest with only a phone and a flashlight?" He raised his eyebrows unimpressed and I nodded. "Are you an idiot? Take a bat." He rolled his eyes strutting off to the broom closet and coming back with a wooden bat. What is this call Claudia an idiot day? "Here, just don't die." He shifted his eyes to the floor and I could see tears glistening in them. He was scared.

Of course he was scared, the kid had lost his mom less than a year ago. I rolled my eyes and nudged his shoulder with a smirk. "Of course I won't kid. Plus, who would want to kill me? Everyone loves me." I gave him a crooked smirk that he returned it with a soft smile and the tears left his eyes as he rolled them at me before heading upstairs. With that I fixed my grip on the bat and headed out, because obviously that's what you're supposed do when you start hearing voices in your head.


I didn't start second guessing my decision until I was about half a mile into the forest. I'm always the first to call out the stupid characters in the movies that fall stupidly to their deaths. So, why did I decide this would be even a sane idea? My flashlight seemed sad as it's little artificial glow barely illuminated the forest around me. What if a wild animal attacked me? Or a psychopath? There's no way I could out run either one of those threats. Hell, I can't even out run Stiles.

I gripped the wooden bat, feeling the cold glazed surface under my clammy palms. I'm sure my fingertips were turning white from how hard I was holding onto it. There was nothing out of the normal in the forest, it was just as quiet as the streets. That was the weird part, weren't forests supposed to have owls or chipmunks or something making noise?

You're almost there.

"So now you decide to talk?" I grunted and stopped walking. "Who are you anyways?" I narrowed my eyes at the trees in front of me, I'm sure I looked like the biggest lunatic.


"Yeah that totally answers my question." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly. "You know what? No. Answer my question or I'll go home."

Come! The voice hissed and my legs started moving despite my will to stay planted where I was.

"What the hell?" I screeched willing myself to stop but I couldn't. I tried to move my hands to clutch onto a branch to stop my steps forward but the most freewill I had was being able to clutch the bat to my chest defensively. "Oh my god, I'm dead meat." I cried worriedly once I figured out I couldn't move. There was no physical pain as I fought back, instead it was a feeling of total numbness. Regardless of how hard I tried to move I couldn't even feel my pull on the force that was moving me.

Fear bubbled angrily at my chest, and I opened my mouth to scream. Thankfully, my voice still worked and I yelled desperately for help. Atlas, help never came and my steps only increased. My steps stopped suddenly at a clearing. It was all dirt and thick dried up roots emerging from the soil knocking your steps around as you walked in it. There was a wall of sky scraping pines that circled it, and in the middle of the large clearing there was a tree. It wasn't half as tall the trees surrounding it but it's branches reached almost the end of the clearing. They were dried too and sharp. They hung dangerously low and I'm sure if I hadn't stopped where I had I would've gotten hurt by them.

Without hesitating I turned around and ran. However the wall of tress was quite literally a wall, and I couldn't step past the clearing even though I couldn't see anything that was stopping me. "W-what am I supposed to do." I called out finally turning back around. My voice cracked and I could feel the tears filling up my eyes and blurring my vision.


Ghost Rider. Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now