Little Wolf

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I woke up to the sound of Jersey Shore's Jenny and Angelina yelling at each other

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I woke up to the sound of Jersey Shore's Jenny and Angelina yelling at each other. It took too much effort for me to open my eyes at first, so I just laid there feeling the cold scratchy bed sheets under me and the equally cold and stuffy air that surrounded my body. I could feel the flat pillow under my head and I could tell that my hair was loose as it pressed against my back and the bed. God I hate that feeling. Weird, I know.

"You can stay and get your ass beat!" Wondering who was watching this made me curious enough to open my eyes, and after a few minutes of struggling to open them I managed to  pry them apart. Slowly and with a tremendous amount of effort. My eyes felt crusty and I'm sure I looked like a zombie unlike the girls in the movies who fluttered their prefect eyes open.

The light was ugly. Almost as ugly as me opening my eyes. Like a really ugly white that made my eyes burn. Instantly I knew I was at a hospital. This was literally the most cliche way to wake up. Well what did I even expect? For me to wakeup break dancing? Idiot. And now I'm arguing with myself. Okay.

"Chicken." Was the first thing to stutter out of my mouth.

Instantly I heard shuffling and before I could even register what was going on a pair of big round eyes peaked right in front of my face. "Guys! Guys! Claudia wants chicken!"

"What the hell are you watching?" I croaked squinting my eyes at the mop of brown hair that blurred my vision. He had all but climbed on the side of my bed and was hugging me by my neck. So, either he was happy to see me or he wanted to finish me off. I'm hoping it's the first. "That show's inappropriate."

Stiles shook his head, still hugging me tightly without saying anything. When suddenly I felt warm tears drop onto my neck. "St-stiles?" I asked, my voice shaking in fear. I don't know how to control a crying child, much less a crying Stiles. "Are you okay, kid?"

Just then an pack of nurses waltzed in pulling Stiles away and checking my vitals like my life depended on it. Which...well, maybe!

"Stiles off." Noah rushed in with them, a coffee and a Dough Boy Doughnuts bag clutched in his hand and looking like he hadn't slept in days. "Shit, I forgot the chicken!" Noah exclaimed looking at his hands over and over again as if the chicken would appear if he continued to do that. "You wanted chicken right?" He rushed looking at me expectantly.

I shook my head no, at the same time the flock of nurses barked out. "No chicken!" They muttered things about my blood pressure and heart rate, and I heard the term 'miracle' thrown out by one of them. As my vitals came out, the rest of the nurses nodded vigorously. Well that's the first time I heard blessing and my name in the same sentence.

"Wait, let him." I told them meekly, waving Stiles over with my hand. Which was the first part of myself I've seen since god knows how long. It was paler than usual, a ghostly shade of white making the small mole I had on my right wrist stand out, and skinnier as if I hadn't eaten in days.

"No you should rest." An asian nurse with ebony hair tied back into a ponytail at the base of her head chimed. However I was already struggling to scoot over and Stiles had swung onto the bed easily. He curled himself up besides me. His small head rubbing affectionately against my ribs. He was being... cute?

By now all the nurses besides two had scurried off to deliver my results. Noah was by my bedside handing me a doughnut. As if that was the only way he knew of greeting me. Hey I'm not complain, I wish everyone gave me food when they greeted me. "No, no food!" One of the nurses screeched, pushing it forcefully back. I guess we weren't really giving them the easiest time right now.

"You have to rest." She spoke promptly, but gave me a comforting smile as if to say she was glad I was okay. Regardless of how annoying my family and I were. "I'll ask the doctor if it's okay for you to eat right now and bring you water right away."

"In the mean time," the older nurse spoke with a harsh set scowl on her berry painted lips, "say goodbye to your visitors."

Just as I was about to obey her instructions a blur of white and brown waltzed in. Right past the nurses and hugging a ton of textbooks and notebook paper to her chest. Panting and with her honey blonde hair in a messy updo was the only friend I've made in Beacon Hills, Emma Brookes.

"Ohmygod Claudia!" She squealed relieved, throwing an arm over me while clutching her books with the other. "I was so worried." She sighed against my shoulder, holding our embrace softly. "I thought the only friend I had was going to die, you bitch." She laughed softly when she pulled away. Her arm giving me a teasing punch.

She smiled down at me softly, doll blue eyes at ease. Some of her baby hairs had escaped her updo but she still looked like something out of Gossip Girl. Emma definitely didn't seem like the type of girl to hang out with me. "I've taken notes on all you missed and done all the homework you've been assigned, but you've been out for three weeks. Do you know how hard it's gonna be for you to catch up?" She rambled like a worried mom, and began to explain what unit we were on in math.

"Three weeks?" I exclaimed, feeling my head begin to throb. Stiles, who had been laying next to me peacefully, jumped at my outburst. I don't even remember where I was that night. Hell, I barely remember leaving the house.

"Claudia?" A smooth voice spoke knocking softly on the open door of the hospital room, cutting off Emma. In the door way stood a tall lanky boy looking at my bed in concern.

I smiled slightly watching as he walked towards me. "Fine. Just bring in the entire high school." The nicer nurse spoke sarcastically.

"That's what's wrong with America." The older spoke to her coworker as they began to walk out. "JFK, that's why he was killed!" She shook her finger knowingly at the other. Yeah, sure we're what's wrong with America.

"Peter." I greeted as his hazel eyes swept over my face in relief. Ever since the day with the nachos, him and I had become regular acquaintances at school. Nodding at each other in the hallways or paying him to bring me back food when the basketball team and him went off campus for lunch. It was nice to see a familiar face. A warm feeling settled in my stomach seeing that a person of the opposite sex took time out of their day to come see me while I was knocked out.

"I-ah, when did you wake up?" His pink lips broke out into a small smile as he pulled up by my bedside. His hands stuffed in the pockets of his Armani jeans.

"Exactly about twelve minutes ago." I let out a small laugh.

"I'm glad you're okay." He told my sincerely, his hand reaching to hold mine. I felt myself freeze up. See the thing is guys don't do this with me. They don't smile continuously at me, or come to make sure I'm okay, and much less grab my hand. "I, ah got you something." He smiled sheepishly handing my a little stuffed wolf with the hand that wasn't holding mine.

"I, ah, um-" I smiled widely whilst a furious blush formed on my cheeks.

"Hahmm," Stiles finally made a noise, stopping my idiotic stuttering. Clearing his throat unnaturally loud for such a small boy. He was staring Peter down, eyebrows frowned and lips in a pout. "The nurse said Claudia had to rest, right dad?" He turned impatiently towards Noah.

Who looked just as surprised as me that a boy was holding my hand. However, he recovered from his shock after hearing Stiles' voice and nodded quickly. "Yeah, you can visit Claudia tomorrow." He spoke with authority, ushering my two friends and Stiles out of the room. "I'm glad you're okay kid." He smiled ruffling my hair before leaving too.

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