Chapter 1 - I lost you!

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Arnav stare at hazel eyes which had a certain hate, pain and disgust for him with moist eyes and they were same eyes who were once filled with immense love, care and admiration for her Arnav ji.

Staring at him for once woken up her hopes of living happily with her husband, but then all the incidents where he hurt her played on her mind showing her how much this man doesn't deserve her love, first he accused her of being characterless and gold digger, still the heart of a girl who fell in love first time forgave him, then he accused her of having an affair with his sister's husband and married her forcefully, still the heart of a married woman who was deeply in love with her husband, forgave him, then hearing Dadi's words, he believed her Amma was the other woman in his father's life and punish her for that, he abandoned her on their marriage day without giving any explanation, just left like a coward! But this time, the heart of a strong mother won't forgive him so easily. She won't let herself go weak again, she won't let herself be humiliated by him again. She won't let her love for him win this time!!

"Chote.." their eye lock and thoughts were broken by his Di's voice.

Anjali walked towards him with a smile playing on her lips and teary eyes: Finally I got to see my brother after six long years..

"Di.." Arnav looked at her with questioning look then at Khushi.

Anjali understood that he was confused seeing Khushi at Shantivan and the two kids with her.

"You're taking it wrong Chote.. You must be thinking that if on your marriage day you abandoned Khushi and left to London then what is she doing here, living here as married woman and who are these two kids? Then let me inform you Khushi has the right to stay here at Shantivan, but not as YOUR WIFE but NK's WIFE and Avish and Aashi are their children.." Anjali said with an emotionless look, though she loves her brother to the core and he has always done anything to bring a smile on her face, she's completely against what he did with Khushi on their marriage day, he just didn't abandon the love of his life but lost the woman who loved him more than anything else and also lost the most beautiful phase of a man's life, fatherhood because of his cowardness and selfishness, because he always think about himself, his pain, his mother, his Di, his family but never his Khushi!

"But whatever happened, happened for everyone's good right? You left Khushi, she moved on also with NK and her kids.." Anjali said faking a smile and caressing his shoulder. She looked at Khushi and blinked her eyes.

"Khushi Nani is calling you inside.. and you should take the kids and NK too inside as they didn't have their breakfast yet.." Anjali said.

Khushi nodded, she stole a glance at Arnav but then NK wrapped his arms around hers, dragging her, Avish and Aashi inside Shantivan.

"Ram Kaka come.. I will accompany you to Chote's room to keep this bag.." said Anjali walking inside with Ram.

Arnav stood still on his place, not understanding or not wanting to believe what he's just seeing now. His Khushi married to NK, both have two kids! His Di behaving so strangely with him! He closed his eyes hoping this to a be nightmare and opened it again, but no! It was reality.. Reality of his life!

He fell on his knees crying out loudly, "I.. I came here to apologize for leaving you on our marriage day.. I came here to beg your forgiveness for punishing your with no fault of yours.. I came here to apologize to Garima aunt for believing that she was the woman with whom my father cheated my mother when she wasn't.. Dadi lied to me.. she lied to me just like once Shyam lied to me about your character and I end believing in their words over you.. I came back for you.. but this time too late.. I am late.. I lost you Khushi.. You're not mine anymore.. I have lost the right to call you mine.. You belong to ..." Arnav slammed the grass crying unable to complete the sentence or even believe that Khushi isn't his anymore, she moved on with NK and already have two kids with him.

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