Chapter 77

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"Can I get a lock on my room?" Vinny asked, leaning against the doorway of his dad's study. The party would start in three hours. 

Duke looked up from his papers and sighed. "No."

Vinny crossed his arms and also sighed. "Why not?" he asked.

"Because I'm going to learn how to knock in future. God help my eyes if I walked in on you two having s-"

"Yes, I get it," Vinny muttered. "Just please be serious about that and knock from now on."

Duke sat back in his chair and connected his fingers. "Come take a seat, I want to talk," he said softly, but his son hesitated at the door, making Duke roll his eyes. "Vinny, sit down."

Vinny wanted to go to Oliver, but his dad would only get angry at him if he sauntered off. So he shut the door behind him and sat on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk.

Duke watched him like he was trying to read his mind. Vinny hated it when he looked like that; it meant that his dad was going to try and get in his head, to understand his feelings. Vinny was a tough person to read. Oliver was the only one who could understand him perfectly.

"I want you to answer me with the truth, okay? I'm your dad; there's nothing to get embarrassed about," Duke said, which made Vinny want to run a mile, but he chewed the inside of his lip and struggled through it. "Are you nervous at the thought of taking the next step with another guy?"

On the inside, Vinny felt like a thousand knives had pierced him, but on the outside, he remained calm and emotionless. He stared at his dad, who waited patiently for an answer. "Yes." Maybe talking about it openly with someone who only wanted to hear his problems wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Duke nodded, casually allowing his gaze to wander around his study. "I'm guessing that means you haven't done it yet." Vinny nodded his head in confirmation. "And tonight at the party, are you both drinking?" Vinny hadn't asked Oliver, but he assumed he would. He inspected his dad's face. Duke looked tired. "And you don't want your first time to be when you're both drunk?"

Vinny then understood his dad's questions. He would be disappointed if his first time was when he was drunk. He wanted it to be special for both of them. "Of course not," Vinny said, beginning to settle. He always thought that talking to his dad was worse than what it actually was. Duke only cared about his well-being.

"Okay," Duke smiled. "Your mother and I are not drinking tonight, we would rather be sober if any arguments break out and we can keep an eye on you both to make sure you don't end up... doing that. This way, you can relax and have fun."

Vinny knew his parents were not big drinkers. They don't tend to drink at parties that were held in their home. Their relatives and friends could be difficult sometimes.

"Thank you," Vinny then said, knowing it would be a significant weight off his mind. "I appreciate it."

Duke knew how big it was for Vinny to admit that and he was pleased. "It's not a problem."

Vinny then stood up and brushed down his waistcoat. His dad would have liked to ask more things, but he knew his son couldn't handle more, so he let him leave.

"We'll come and get you, boys, when guests arrive," Duke smiled as Vinny opened the door. "Oh, and you have to dress nice, tell Oliver that too."

Vinny nodded to say he understood. "What are you talking about? I dress nice every day," he spoke with his usual bluntness, but his dad chuckled, and Vinny could leave feeling satisfied. Duke looked like he could do with a bit of cheering up. Vinny knew his mother would find him later and do that because Madison could make anyone feel better, no matter how grumpy they were.

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