Chapter 81

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"Oh my g- Vinny you're actually laughing in this photo," Oliver said as he sat next to Madison on the couch. Vinny was sitting opposite him with his elbow on the side of the armrest and his cheek rested on his palm. He had his eyes closed and a frown that hasn't left his face.

He didn't reply, but he liked listening to the sound of Oliver's voice.

Madison continued to show pictures of the party to Oliver. He was feeling much better as it was almost two in the afternoon, but Vinny was still feeling pretty terrible. He hadn't thrown up again, but he was overall ill which meant he is even more grumpy than usual.

He wasn't wearing Oliver's jumper anymore and he missed the constant scent of his soulmate.

"Vinny, come and look at the pictures," Madison asked.

"No" He mumbled without opening his eyes.

She sighed but went back to looking at her phone.

Oliver stared at Vinny for a moment. He wanted to take in his beauty, even with a frown he is incredibly good looking.

"Vinny?" He asked, trying to get his attention.

No response.

"Vinny?" Oliver asked again.

He got a little movement of the head, but he wasn't satisfied.


This time, Vinny flickered his eyes open and stared at his soulmate.

Oliver smiled at him, which softened his expression.

"I love you"

Madison looked up as Vinny gave him a smile. He loved how cute Oliver was.

"I love you too," He said quietly before sitting back on the couch and patting the seat next to him.

Oliver grinned and stood up, before walking over.

He sat close to Vinny and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

Vinny cuddled into his side, they both felt their hearts beating hard from the close contact.

"I want you to feel better," Oliver said as he ran a hand through Vinny's hair. He felt the need to look after him. It was incredibly hard for him not to be giving his soulmate all the attention when he's feeling like this.

"I'm getting there," Vinny said. He leant in and gave Oliver a long kiss on the temple. His skin was always so warm and soft and of course, his scent was something he would never get tired of smelling.

Just then, the door opened and Duke walked in.

Everyone looked up to see him looking at Oliver.

"Boys," He said as he walked over to the couch. As always, their close contact made warmth float in his heart, but he had to remain serious. "I'm about to perform the change on John and It's not safe for Oliver to be here"

Vinny didn't think about Oliver being a potential risk, now that he'll be the only human in the family. But the building was full of humans, why is Oliver the only one in danger?

"Why?" Vinny asked whilst sitting forwards.

"Because Oliver is John's own flesh and blood. After the process has finished he'll be craving blood and if Oliver is within a mile of John, he'll want it and do everything he can to get to it"

Vinny didn't know that, but he now agreed that Oliver should leave the building.

"So" Duke continued. "I have arranged for Jed to take you both out for a good few hours" He knew Vinny was still feeling pretty ill but under the circumstances, there was nothing else he could do.

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