Chapter 84

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The walls of the hospital were extremely clean. They were painted white with a pastel blue skirting board, running along the bottom.

Oliver has spent almost two hours, staring at the wall in front of him. He hasn't said a single word since he cried on Vinny.

He could be an emotional person, but it was very rare that he would let his guard down and get so upset.

Duke and Madison were trying to be positive by talking about normal things, but Vinny couldn't bring himself to speak or even take his gaze away from Oliver, not when he's this heart-broken.

They were sitting close on the chairs because they both couldn't handle it if they weren't touching.

About an hour ago, the doctors had come out to tell Oliver there was no change, which didn't help in the slightest bit but at least, he was still alive. They discovered that the heart attack was caused by too much stress to John's body as the Vampire blood attempted to change him.

To put things short, John's heart gave up.

"Would you like something to drink?" Madison then asked as she turned to Oliver. He was still staring into space and didn't hear her.

"Get him a hot chocolate," Vinny said as he put an arm around Oliver, which snapped him out of his deep thoughts.

"I'll be back in a minute," Madison said as she smiled at her son and then Oliver, who rubbed his eyes.

She then got up and headed down the corridor, looking for someone who could help her. Jed followed, knowing that the boys are safe with Duke.

Oliver then took in a big breath and exhaled it slowly. He was sick of waiting, he just wanted his dad to be okay. He could feel Vinny's eyes on him, he knew he was worried about him because he could feel it.

Just then, a doctor came down the corridor. It was the same one who led the boys to Duke and Madison.

Oliver stood up with anticipation.

"Is he okay?"

The doctor connected his fingers and looked at the ground for a second.

"Your dad is stable, but we've had to put him on a life support machine," The doctor said. "He can't breath on his own" 

"What is that?" Vinny asked as he also stood up. He's not familiar with modern terms and machines.

"It's something that helps the patient to breathe by pushing oxygen into the lungs and around the body," The doctor said, trying not to be intimidated by the Master. "But we have the heart started again, it's just incredibly weak"

"Am I allowed to see him now?" Oliver asked.

"Of course," The doctor said which made Duke stand up. "The room is just down the hall" He then turned and walked back in the direction he had come from, but this time everyone followed.

Oliver felt like his heart was in his mouth as his chest was heavy. He's somewhat settled, now that his dad was stable and on life support, but they couldn't keep him on it forever. What if he can't recover? What if his heart doesn't strengthen?

When they reached the room, the doctor held the door open. Vinny let Oliver enter first, but he felt his grip on his hand tighten.

In the room, was a bed resting against the right wall and John, lying unconscious.

Vinny then felt Oliver really squeeze his hand hard, but he didn't mind.

John was unconscious as a tube was coming out of his mouth and connecting to the life support machine. He had various things attached to his right arm, but Oliver walked over and took his hand.

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