New Book?

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Dear readers, there will be no exact date for the release but my adoration towards the chinese novel " the rebirth of malicious Empress" gave me this idea.. (just wanna share).😘😘😘

Title: Retaliation of the Fallen Phoenix


I catch the spear that was meant to you that leave an ugly scar to my body

I volunteer myself to be captive of the neighbouring country to earn their support but upon returning, a foreign woman is within your embrace

I shunned and tricks my family to give you the army you desire resulting for their deaths

You gave me the phoenix crown and seal, only to be given a palace that is colder than winter.

For your new beloved woman you gift me  the execution in front of the commoners to humiliate my dignity and  believing that death is better for a viscious woman like me forgetting the fact the painful times I accompany you through claiming your crown.

- before closing my eyes I can't help but laugh and think how tragic my whole life is.

But fate is truly unpredictable, the moment I thought death has claim me, I can see myself woken up in my 6 years old self.

" They named me as a Fallen Phoenix, this second chance shall be my retaliation for my past life "

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