Chapter 14

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Neymar's Pov

I have arrived at Paris earlier to watch my team having a match against Manchester United, but sadly we didn't make it to the round of 8. I'm actually really sad that i can't be there with them. I really want to play, but my doctor said i still have to be in a recovery due to my ankle injury.

Juli will arrive today from Brussels, because she decided to stay for one more day there. She didn't want me to pick her up from the airport. Today is the day before Paris Fashion Week will be starting and she wants me to watch the crew preparing for the clothes until she's arrived. Juli had decided to come tomorrow because she wants to show Deborah that she's losing her own game. This is why i love my wife.

I walk out from my car and the reporters are flooding everywhere, they always waiting in front of Juli's boutique like there will be a headline news or something.

"Neymar! How is Juli's condition? Is she going to come tomorrow?"

"What about the fights Juli have with Deborah Serrano?"

"Is it true that Deborah Serrano is the caused of Juli's miscarriage?"

"Why did they cut Deborah Serrano from the contract?"

I'm honestly very tired of them. Deep in my heart, i really want to answer their question and tell the world that that girl already killed my daughter, but Juli won't like that idea. I ignore them and walk quickly inside the office. The crew already sort the clothes out and they're ready to bring them to the Grand Palais hotel.

I texted Juli and ask her to meet me at the hotel instead. We all drive to the hotel and i met some of my friends there, including Lewis. He will walk for Off-White and we talk a while until i saw Juli's coming to our direction. Juli is a big fan of Hamilton and she almost watch every F1 Race just to watch him, even i get jealous of it sometimes.

"Juli! It's been a long time." Lewis speak to her with his thick english accent.

"Hi Lewis! Yeah we haven't meet since last year." She hugs him first and i glare at her, how can she hug him first and not me?

"The jealous dude is over here," Lewis teases me. "I have to go now, see you guys tomorrow!"

"Bye Lewis." Juli wave her hands at him, then she grin at me. "I love it when you're getting jealous with me."

"What the hell is that? You should hug me first when you arrived here."

She bring her face to mine and clung into my arms as we walk to the room they get for us. When we're already inside, she showered me with kisses until Barbara walk in and interupt us.

"I miss you!" Barbara shriek and Juli left me stranded here. She walks to her and gone with her crews, they're exchanging hugs and asking Juli about her condition.

I play with my phone while waiting for her and i saw a text message from a random number. I opened them and it turns out it was from Deborah. I deleted her number as soon as i found out everything.

Meet me at the hotel Neymar. This is important.

I knit my eyebrows when i saw the text, i can't believe she still have the nerve to meet me. I delete the text and block her number after, i won't care about anything that related to her anymore. I come to look for Juli and it turns out she's nowhere here. I ask Barbara and she said Juli already left five minutes ago. I know this has something related to that text message.

I drive myself to Deborah's hotel and my feelings is right, i found Juli's car there with my driver inside. I barge into the hotel and i saw both of them together, sitting across each other at the lobby. Juli is the one who notice me and Deborah turn her head to see me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Juli.

"She wanted to say a word," Juli smiles and signing me to sit beside her. "Lets hear her out."

"Please i beg both of you, i will do anything as long as it doesn't require the public apology." She speak in a low voice. "It could ruins my whole career."

"Like i care about that? You push me to that car, knowing that i was pregnant and guess what? You don't care! So why should i care about you?" Juli snap. It's been quite a while since i saw her like this.

"It's really hard to get into modelling, i work my ass out to get all of this."

Juli roll her eyes and i'm just watching them get into the argument. Deborah expect me to say something, but i didn't. I just want to hear what Juli have on her mind.

"I will fly back to Brazil tonight!" She offer. "Even if you want me to back off from your husband right here, right now."

"You should do that from the first time," Juli stand up from her sit. "You mess with the wrong person here Deborah."

"Neymar please!" She wave her hand at me.

"Write the public apology or i will send that record to police."

Juli put her hand on my arms and we walk away together from her. She sit still at the lobby and tug her hair in frustration.

"It's good to be the old Juli," She chuckle. "I have to go back to the Grand Palais, i'll meet you at home okay?"

"You don't need my help again?"

"Bianca will be there, besides i want to have an affair with my English Guy."

She kisses my cheek and get in to her car immediately. She shouts i love you before she dissapeared from my sights. I drive to our home and wait for her until she's back. I heard the sounds of the door unlocking at midnight, she's late home because of the hectic preparation. I help her to drag the suitcases out to our room, but she gets distracted by my dogs barks at the backyard.

Juli walk with bare feet to our backyard and Poker is the one who jump on her first.

"Hi boy! Did you miss me?" She talk to him. Truco and Flush join their brother to licking Juli and now they're tryna keep my wife for their selves.

Juli keeps petting them around until Poker put his ears to Juli's belly, then he glimpse at Juli and she smiles weakly.

"She's not there anymore," Juli mutter. "I'm sorry."

The three of them whimpered together and put their heads on Juli's lap. It's actually very adorable. She pets them and kisses the top of their head before we go to our bedroom. Juli unpack her stuffs and i offer to help her. I know she's still having a problem to be back here and i don't want to push her to be back as her usual self.

She washed herself before she climb to our bed and put her head on my chest. I missed the coconut scent from her hair, i remember she bought the shampoo aboard from Hawaii because she loves the scent so much.

"How about the preparation?" I ask.

"Tomorrow will be perfect and you should be there with me."

"I will. I won't let you in the same scene with Lewis, you'll be mine."

She frame a smile in her face, "You shall not know about our secret affair." She imitates an English Accent from Lewis and honestly i lowkey like her accent when she spoke in english. She sounds very sexy.

"You sounds very sexy when you speak english."

"Really? how about Jū lǐ shì zhège shìjiè shàng zuì piàoliang de nǚré?"

I knit my eyebrows, "Is that mandarin? This is the first time i hear you said that, what's that mean?"

"Juli is the prettiest woman in the world. I know a little bit of Dutch too if you want to hear!"

"Stop with the show off, i get it you can speak a lot of languages. It's like you're Duolingo or something." I pinch her nose.

"Better than that Brazilian Witch who can't even speak Portugese properly."


it's been a while since i updated! sorry guys but my mid semester examination is over and i think i screwed up this time. by the way i'm really proud of Neymar, that's all i can say cause he inspiring me a lot to prove bitches wrong. hope you guys will forgive me for the late update ha. S.

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